Sleeping with a drain in

  • 17 replies
  • 323 subscribers


Does anyone have any tips for getting sleep with a drain in. I am getting about 2-3 hours at a time but having to sleep on my back and finding this difficult. I have been taking codeine more for the sleepiness than the pain relief but obviously that is a slippery slope! Any ideas:tips greatly appreciated 



  • Hi, the drain is horrible isn’t it. Had my op Monday and Wayne the drain was taken out yesterday thank goodness. Husband slept in the spare room and I had it laid out next to me. Bought a large v shaped pillow which I had propped on 2 other pillows so slept sitting up but wedged in… still do.

    I just stuck with paracetamol after 2 days as the extra drugs weren’t helping with sleep. The V pillow has been a real help. Really hope your drain comes out soon - you’ll feel so much more comfortable afterwards. Thinking of you x

  • Aly

    Sleeping with drains in is hard work as I’m a side sleeper normally! I ended up with a heart shaped pillow under my armpit and a warm beenie on the top of my shoulder and this soothed everything. The pain woke me but eventually managed to go longer and longer between waking as everything settled down from surgery. And then have naps in the day when you can.  

    I really hope it gets better for you and you manage to get some decent sleep

  • It’s horrible, isn’t it.  I had one for just over four weeks after mastectomy and two after axillary clearance.  No magic solutions from me I’m afraid but a few things I found that helped were

    - if you get backache from sleeping on your back, a pillow under the knees really helps to take pressure off the lumbar spine

    - after a couple of days I did find I could sleep on my good side with a body pillow to support my arm and chest.  

    - heart shaped pillow under the arm helped with pain there, although to be honest I found that more helpful on the sofa than in bed

    - make sure the drain tube is secure so that moving doesn’t tug on the stitching and wake you up with the pain.  If the dressings are getting loose you can put some micro pressure or similar across the tube below them to keep it stable.

    Hope your drainage reduces quickly so you can get rid of it soon, it’s such a nice feeling walking out without it!

  • Thank you everyone for the advice - my daughter has a large v shaped pillow so I will give that a go. Just can’t wait to be shot of it - it’s the first time I have really thought of myself as ill. Not just because its uncomfortable but it’s a constant reminder. With the long weekend I know I can’t get rid until Tuesday at the earliest - just keeping my fingers crossed for then. I’m also really self conscious about it and would like to go out for a short walk but just don’t feel right parading my bottle!

  • Meh, sod that!  If you want to go for a walk you should do so.  If you prefer to be subtle though I was given a long handled fabric bag, do you have anything like that?  I found that with the bag worn across the body so it was a bit below waist height, bottle in the bag with the tube tucked in and a loose top you really couldn’t see much at all, just a tiny bit of the tube between top and bag.  If you don’t have one but are handy with a needle they’d be really easy to make, just have a google for mastectomy drain bags

  • I do really know how you feel though, it’s tough.  Bouquet

  • I know what you mean about being self concious about the drains. I’m lucky to be able to go for walks in my local area, it’s quiet and not many people about. I felt alive and it wore me out so I slept longer!

    I hid the drains under a large coat - I looked huge and rounded but didn’t care - the fresh air was so worth it!! TulipSunnyLeaves

    I hope you manage whatever makes you happy  Aly x

  • I'm glad I'm not the only one, had my mastectomy yesterday and the drain is rather painful! Having an emotional day today

  • It’s horrible and I hate it! First time I have actually felt I have something wrong with me but I listened to you lovely people on here today and went out for Sunday lunch. I felt self conscious walking through but once I sat down I was fine - I think the glass of wine helped!


  • I had two drains. Got very fed up with them. Slept on my back wedged in and supported by big pillows and placed drains to the side of me when in bed. Kept the drains out of sight in an unobtrusive reversable bag kindly given to me by the Breast Clinic which had been made by Volunteers.