Kadcyla (TDM1) treatment

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  • 337 subscribers

Hi All,

I’m due to start Kadcyla next month.

I’ve had chemotherapy, lumpectomy and and recently finished  radiotherapy. 

Just wanted to ask how the side effects are if anyone is on Kadcyla?

  • So I had my first Kadcyla infusion yesterday. Wasn’t bad at all. I felt a bit tired afterwards and  had very mild nausea after eating sweet foods. Apart from this no other problems.

    Will see how the other cycles go.

  • Thanks for the update. Glad to hear you've been alright, hope that continues, xx

  • Hi. I had chemo,  lumpectomy and radiotherapy. was then told they were putting me on Kadcyla.

    was due to finish the beginning of January but am stuck on round 12 of 14 as my bloods keep showing a problem with my liver function which is a common side effect of Kadcyla. 

    I am due to see my consultant next week to see if I finish the last 3 or stop now. Up until this I breezed through the first 11 with no side effects 

    Hope yours goes well 


  • Thank you. Good luck with your cycles. Hope it all goes well.

  • Good to hear that you've been alright through to no 11. I hope things settle with your liver function. xx

  • Hi, after Friday I have 2 chemo's left. I am being given seen in breast clinic next week, to discuss my surgery for my precancerous cells that they could not get clear margins on. Think I will have masectomy with reconstruction, do you know the criteria for radiotherapy please, my lymph nodes was clear. Can I ask the grade of yours please and how big the area was. Mine was 20mm grade 2  Best wishes xxx

  • Hi Shaz great you just have 2 to go. I had radiotherapy, 5 to whole breast then 5 to area where tumour was. I had no problems at all with radiotherapy. I was never told the grade but I’m guessing it’s grade 3 as Her 2  

    I was told stage 2 so that’s all I want to know right now. My nodes were clear and had clear margins. My first chemo was 95%effective in attacking tumour and the small amount left was my residual cells thus needing kadcyla which I’ve now had 8 of 14 

    Hope your ok whatever decisions you make 

  • Thank you, I am having treatment today and then I have 2 chemo left. Will finish my herceptin in December. I am seeing my breast consultant next week, I will be having another surgery, they got clear margins on my lump, they did a cavity shave and that was free of cells  my lymph nodes was clear. But they could not get clear margins on an area of dcis. I need to establish if I am having radiotherapy, so will ask my questions next week  best wishes to you xxx

  • How have you been feeling now you're more than a week post Kadcyla 1? Hope it's not been too bumpy for you, xx

  • Had Kadcyla on Friday and felt a bit tired on Saturday. Sunday evening got a fever and loss of appetite, bleeding gums and strange taste in my mouth, this lasted until Wednesday. 
    Thursday I was back to normal.

    I just rested and took paracetamol which helped to lower the fever. I also found corsadyl mouthwash helped with the bleeding gums and strange  metallic taste.

    So overall not too bad and quick recovery.