Kadcyla (TDM1) treatment

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Hi All,

I’m due to start Kadcyla next month.

I’ve had chemotherapy, lumpectomy and and recently finished  radiotherapy. 

Just wanted to ask how the side effects are if anyone is on Kadcyla?

  • Also still water tasted strange so I tried sparkling water and it was fine.

  • Thanks LoveLove2, that all sounds a bit more hard hitting than I was hoping but glad to hear you've bounced back within a week. I struggled with the taste of water during my first round of chemo so we got a soda stream that I became very dependent on! Hope you have a good couple of weeks now before the next round, xx

  • Hi there

    Hope you’re doing ok. I’ve been told today that I will be starting Kadcyla shortly. I’ve already had chemo, Phesgo and mastectomy 2 weeks ago. Will I need to have Filgrastrim injections for 7 days after each cycle of Kadcyla? I’m hoping not Pray

  • Hi

    I wasn’t given any filgrastim injections after my  first cycle of Kadcyla . Just Domperidone to take if needed for nausea.

  • Let us know how you get on with your first cycle. Hopefully it’s not too bad.

  • Thanks, it's not been quite the 'light touch' chemo I was expecting! I've felt very headachey and that cloudy brain feeling I had during chemo and also joint aches. I do feel better today (day 5) but it did feel a bit of a heavy hit. I'm telling myself that I'm still in the recovery stage from radiotherapy, as well as the surgery and of course my body is certainly not back to normal from the original chemo so am hoping that in the midst of this I'll do a bit more recovering and that once I'm a few cycles in I may not find it so bad ...... or that may be wishful thinking. I'm definitely on the sparking, rather than still water! Do you feel you're back to your baseline before your Kadcyla? Hope you are doing OK, xx

  • Sorry to hear that it was a little hard on you. It was hard for me too but just not straight away side effects came few days later. I feel that I’m now back to my baseline from about 6 days after the cycle I was ok. The first cycle is meant to be the hardest, so let’s hope that the other cycles are manageable. I’m back on the still water now but have stocked up on sparkling for the other cycles.

    hope you get back to your baseline soon.

  • Thanks, I'm now on day 7, I feel a bit worn out and have some joint aches but thankfully feel like I'm more myself today. Think you're 10 days ahead of me so hope you have a good week ahead before the next hit, xx

  • PS have sent you a friend request, not quite sure how it works but thought could be useful for us supporting/encouraging each other but don't know how we message!

  • Thanks xxx

    My 2nd cycle is on Friday then back to work next week Tuesday (phased return).

    I forgot to mention I had some joint pain too in the ribs area.