Any helpful tips on dealing with ec chemo?

  • 31 replies
  • 323 subscribers

Hi there, 

A bit scary posting for the first time here, but not half as scary as being diagnosed with breast cancer. I have had a bit of a rough time recovering from the operation to remove the tumor and lymph nodes with a wound that just wouldn't heal and now face my first episode of EC chemo starting at the beginning of September ( providing I am all healed by then) I would really appreciate any helpful tips on how to deal with my next step on this scary, confusing journey.  Any help would be much appreciated.

Many thanks. 

  • Hiya ,

    I used the cold cap throughout and kept most of my hair, I did end up having it cut shorter than I would have liked though. I had a couple of bald patches - I had to master the comb over Joy. I did not find wearing the cap that bad to start with however as my hair did start to thin, it did get more painful so I took paracetamol and ibuprofen before the last 2 treatments and it was ok. 

    I did get back pain from the injection too. My onc halved the dose of the steroids as they kept me awake for the first session so I did not notice being hungry, well no more than usual!!

    I loved my picc line. My veins collapsed during the ct scan, so I had the picc put in before treatment. I was a bit nervous but definitely think the advantages of having one outweigh the disadvantages. 


    Gay xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to dawn74

    Hi dawn xx

    the pic line ticking your heart sounds crazy!! I didn’t realise it was close to your heart ...  Yes lots of people recommend it so must be worth it, I did have loads of problems with the canular the day of my chemo so maybe it’s best. 

    Yes the steroids are annoying I can eat a huge plate of pasta and I’m still starving .. everyone said I would loose weight through chemo I think I’m going to put on 10 stone Joy

    did you try the ice cap or didn’t you bother with it?? Ohh that’s a good idea about clingfilm !! I’ll be doing that too haha! Xx

    thanks lovely hope you’re feeling well xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to wombat.23

    Hi gay x

    I’m pleased to hear you kept most your hair through treatment, where you had the little patches come out was that due to the fitting of the cap ? 

    Ahh ok I may ask to reduce my steroids too, I didn’t sleep for 5 days !! I thought it was through stress and worry. Ive had three surgery’s and it’s not hit me what’s happened Untill the chemo, but I’ve slept fine since the steroids are out my system so I’ll ask about that Kissing heart 

    Ohhh how scary about your veins !! Yes having a picc line seems the best option, my vein bust on my last chemo and with the ice cap makes your veins harder to find doesn’t it !! 

    Thanks xx coley 

  • Hiya ,

    Yeah, I think the patches were due to the cap not fitting well.

    The steroids will keep you awake, always take them before 2pm!!!


    Gay xxx

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  • Thanks - it is useful. 
    I’m starting EC treatment in Jan and trying to decide whether to cold cap or not. The info in the hospital pack makes it sound nearly inevitable that I will lose all my hair with EC but some people have had good outcomes. 

    Also good to know about the impact of the steroids. 
    Hope everyone who contributed is now doing well 

  • Yes this is very useful to read before starting. Hope the other contributors are past their treatments and living well.

    My main concerns ATM are neuropathy in my hands and feet as I love walking and art. I don't think I'll cold cap as I stopped dying my hair a few years ago and think it will just go thin, brittle and frizzy, meaning I'll have to wear a hat anyway!!! They've got a trial at the cancer centre I'm attending for cold gloves. I'm going to see if I can go on it. 

  • Cold gloves sounds interesting. Your art and walking will be important for you during treatment so anything to avoid damage to your hands will be helpful. Do they do cold shoes too? I’ll ask about it when I go for my introductory session 

    Good point about the strength of your hair currently- mine has been damaged by colour and heat over the years so maybe it will be brittle as you say. I’ve ordered some organic shampoo and conditioner to improve condition pre and post chemo. 

    I’ve also booked on an online Look Good Feel Better workshop about Hair Loss that starts before my first session so I think that will be helpful. 

  • Hi it’s mid September now so just wondering how you got on with the chemo EC? 
    ive had my first lot today early days but I think I’m ok chest a bit tight but I have a weak chest.

    im have surgery after 6 rounds of chemo which is 1 every 3 weeks so would love to know how your operation went too.

    if you would like to message instead I can give you ky number 

    Hayley age 57 Heartpulse