Positive FIT and low iron levels

  • 13 replies
  • 178 subscribers

Hi all,

I am new to this group. I am aged 38 female and yesterday received a positive fit test with highest levels possible. Have been referred for colonoscopy. I have always had piles like symptoms ever since birth of my little boy but recently received low iron diagnosis. 
I am really struggling with my nerves, I cannot eat or sleep and constantly am thinking the worst possible case. The GP has prescribed some sleeping tablets which are not really helping but I am not eating which is making me lose weight and worry even more. How do people cope. I have such a wonderful family but just worry this will ruin my little boys life. 
Any words of support are appreciated at this awful time.

thank you for reading 


  • I just logged in for first time and saw your post… I’m so sorry to hear this. I’m struggling with eating and sleeping after hearing my husband has stage 4 cancer. He still having scans to locate primary source. I’m not helping but I wish you welll with your journey, this news is harrowing be gentle on you and I hope this forum holds those days when you need support through

  • I’m so sorry to hear that Lou. It’s an awful time and so much worry. How is your husband feeling. Sending love to you all 

  • Hi, Gregs1984,

    if it helps I made a worry list.  I wrote down each worry (however daft it seemed), then I wrote down how likely each was to happen and what, if anything, I could do about the situation.  It helped a lot.  I also made myself a Lego staircase (even though I’m in my fifties) to remind myself that it’s one step at a time.  Just focus on your one next step.  If it is cancer, which it might not be, then it gets easier once you know what the plan is.  Wishing you and Lou every luck as you go through this. 


  • Hi  and a warm welcome to the board. Yes it is a worrying time but try to focus on the facts - have you had a positive fit test - yes, have you been told you have bowel cancer - no. I know it’s easy to say ‘try not to worry’ but by worrying you are creating more problems like lack of sleep and upset tummy then you’ll worry more and it becomes a spiral of worry. 

    Only 1 in 10 colonoscopies results in a bowel cancer diagnosis. There are other conditions that can cause similar symptoms like piles, irritable bowel, colitis etc. - the important thing is to have the colonoscopy and get checked out. 

    Ive attached a link to a post that another member posted about coping with the worry and also a link to a recent post with a high reading

     Controlling anxiety and panic 


    Hope you get an appointment soon and please let us know how you get on?

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Thank you Karen, I hope the appt comes through soon x

  • Hubby is shocked but seems to be holding itllhus calm persona although we have hugged and cried and laughed! Physically he’s externally a fit man 

    he’s stage 4 and I’m so fearful of what ge may go through. Take care

  • Hi  and a warm welcome to the board. Yes it’s a scary time but once all the information has been gathered then they’ll be able to get a treatment plan in place for your hubby. 
    I’ve attached a link to a booklet about stage 4 and some of the treatment and jargon. There’s also a specific forum on the bowel cancer uk board which you might like to look at too?


    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Hi there,

    I didn’t want to go by without a reply.

    I know exactly how you are feeling. I have 2 small children and am currently waiting on results of a recent endoscopy. I too have had piles for many years and so have not been overly concerned with blood loss from time to time.

    1. your symptoms and positive fit test could be any number of things

    2. try and take a day at a time

    3. I have been prescribed medication by the dr which is helping me stay calm during the agonising wait

    try and take deep breaths. I keep telling myself that medicine these days is amazing and there are such positive stories so please hang on to these.

    sending hugs

    Natalie xx

  • Thanks Natalie. Sending lots of luck for your results x

  • Hi Natalie, have you had your colonoscopy yet