Fit test >400 terrified

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  • 131 subscribers

Hi , I'm a 39 year old female . Had a few weeks of bowel change , urgency for number 2 , sometimes loose , sometimes ok .stomach pains when need the toilet but not always , and no pain in stomach after bowel movement. But last week I had extreme pain around anal area when passing a stool , gp suspected internal pile , tried to examine me but was too painful , prescribed me some cream and ordered me to take a FIT test . ( I didn't see blood in my stool) . FIT test came back positive >400 , I've been fast tracked referred for colonoscopy for suspected cancer   I'm terrified . But since then my stool has been fairly normal , I saw a bit of bright red blood yesterday in my stool and when wiping and I had an extreme ripping pain when my stool came out .which burned for a couple of hours after.  Could this be a fissure ? Could that cause such a high FIT reading. Hoping for some reassurance as at the moment I'm thinking the worst . 

  • Hi  

    Welcome to our community though sorry to hear about what you have been going through.

    Looking at the cancer research web site here it points out that there are a number of reasons for having blood in poo. Indeed on the Bristol NHS trust sites there is a list of  ulcers, bulges, polyps, inflammatory bowel disease, haemorrhoids (piles), swallowed blood from bleeding gums or nosebleeds, or it could be due to early bowel cancer.

    As checking for cancer is given high priority the next step is a colonoscopy. Hopefully this will find something else but even if it were cancer then you will have the knowledge to go forward.



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  • Sounds like a fissure but defo worth seeing with the colonoscopy. I also Tested positive for a fits test too 176ug. Also been fast tracked for a colonoscopy this Friday. Super worried as I’ve had other symptoms. Anemia, two occasions between 2021 and todate of seeing red blood in my stool and now this positive fits test. Also my stool has been very soft not like normal stools. So I’m super worried. In your case I wouldn’t worry tbh. 

  • Thanks for your reply   . Yes fingers crossed it's something else other than the cancer ,I was just shocked to see such a high fit test result , as when I did the test I saw no blood at all in the stool . 

  • I only ever see blood when I feel the ripping feeling around the anal area when going for a poo , other than that I never have blood .  But I have had a bit of loose poo on and off , not watery but not 100% solid , it's normally after a bad stomach . I've never been so scared in my life,  I'm shocked I had such a high fit test as I didn't see any blood at all when i did the test ! . Hopefully I'll get an appointment through soon for the colonoscopy. 

    It's all so worrying isn't it . I'm waiting for blood results to check for anaemia.  

    Good luck for your colonoscopy I really hope nothing sinister is found . Sending hugs x

  • Thank you so much. Have you had any updates? I’m super freaked out and scared about my colonoscopy 

  • I have my colonoscopy booked 5th September , I feel OK,  stools have been once a day , one day ok next day a bit loose .Still pain in the anal area when I go though.  

    Is yours today , hope it goes OK,  at least you'll be getting answers today,  if you feel like sharing your results please let me know how it went . The best of luck to you . 

  • Oh and my blood tests come back all normal.  It's the FIT test i had >400 results that terrifies me , I didn't see blood when I did the test , only seen blood a couple of times when i been to the toilet and  had  an extreme ripping pain in the anal area. 

    It's taken over my life , I research online all the time which terrifies me , I feel sick with worry all the time .. I just want this nightmare to be over with . 

  • Hi stories, God bless you for your well wishes. Yes I had it today. And I was totally convinced I had stage 4 cancer!!!! But everything came back clean. I can’t believe it actually. I had all the symptoms, anaemia, blood in stool, loose stools, diarrhoea, fatigue and I do not have colon cancer. I pray your results are just like mine. And u can feel the same relief I feel today. Wishing you the best x

  • *Torie sorry autocorrect