Off label drugs for osteosarcoma

  • 1 reply
  • 7 subscribers

Hello everyone,

My father has recently been diagnosed with high grade tibial osteosarcoma. He has had this resected but given his age he has been advised not to have chemotherapy as the mortality and morbidity from the drugs is high. We are therefore looking for alternative treatments to prevent metastases, the risk of which is high. I have been doing a lot of research about off label medications which have been shown to be beneficial in cancer prevention and to help alongside conventional treatments such as chemotherapy.  Does anyone know where we could get these medication’s prescribed? I think the Care Oncology clinic on Harley Street in London may have closed down. 

  • Hello  

    I am Brian one of the Community Champions here on the online Community. I have just noticed your post has gone unanswered. I can't answer it myself as I have a different cancer, however by me replying it will be "bumped up" to the top of the forum and hopefully be seen by other Community members.

    I don't have much knowledge of "off label medications" however before your father takes anything not prescribed by his GP or his team I would advise you to contact them about it as you can have a "medication clash".

    i do hope your father finds a solution to this.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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