Decision on treatment or not

  • 1 reply
  • 6 subscribers

My wife has secondary cervical cancer in her lower spine, we have just been informed that her current chemo is not working and the cancer is growing, the oncologist has explained that we can look at having a course of Topotecan or Paclitaxel but he is not optimistic that these will work and that the side affects will be too much for my wife, before we make a decision just wanted to know if anyone has been on these chemos and how it was, I realise everyone is different but I’m gathering all the information I can to make the best decision we can 

  • Hi

    I replied to your post in the chemotherapy group outlining my experiences with paclitaxel so far.

    I've had a look in this group to see if anyone has mentioned being on topotecan or paclitaxel but drawn a blank I'm afraid.

    I was going to redirect you to the secondary bone cancer group, as this one is for primary bone cancer, but having looked there I can only see a few old posts which mention people's experiences with paclitaxel. However, if you want to join and post there, in case there are people who are on these drugs but haven't posted about it yet, click on the link I've created. This will take you straight to the group where you can join and start a new post in the same way as you did here.


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