
  • 5 replies
  • 5 subscribers

I'm about to start injections for my bone cancer have already got  broken sternum . Any one one these denosumab and how are you doing them ?


  • Hi 

    I don't have any experience with this drug but I noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet. 

    I put 'denosumab' into the search bar in this group and found 4 previous posts which mention it. Clicking here will take you to them. Although they are several years old you could have a read through them.

    Having looked at your profile I can see that you were diagnosed with breast cancer and I wondered if the bone cancer is a separate cancer or a secondary. If it's secondary breast cancer you might find people taking denosumab in that group. Clicking here will take you straight to the secondary breast cancer group if you want to post there as well.

    Wishing you all the best


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi cutie Mr

    I was diagnosed with bone and lung cancer in May 2020, after having breast cancer 4 years  ago it has been a very big shock but my treatment plan is working so fingers crossed.

    I had 2 vertebrae fractured which was pinching my spinal cord, after large dose of radiotherapy and  2 injections every month which are denosumab and hormone blocker I'm feeling good about everything now, I'm on my 6th round now and  I have had such good results. I had 3 monthly scan and they can see a change in my bones already.

    Goodluck with your first injections keep positive 

    Wishing you the best


  • Hi Shammon your story is nearly the same as mind , had breast cancer in 2017 3 half years ago, lumpectomy 1 Lymth node involved, had 24 removed didn’t need chemo, and now it has returned. I was having Back ache for quite a while eventually went to the doctors he sent me for an X-ray which came back with degeneration in spine then went for MRI and heard on the 17th Dec 2020 I had cancer in my spine in two places which I thought was arthritis. I went for my last scan yesterday , the doctor is ringing on the 19th with results. Treatment will be Chemo tablet form, Palbociclib, and injections in my stomach once a month, and Denesumab how did you get on with your treatment did you have chemo.

  • Hi Boobylou, sorry I didnt reply sooner. Our storys are very alike. My ribcage is greatly affected and 2 lesions on my lung lining.   I was started on the Palbociclib last July with exactly the same treatment as you the 2 injections every month.

    I started off on a rough ride with the fatigue, but I had m.e so I suffered with chronic fatigue anyway, i have a sore throat and ulcers almost every month but the treatment the nurse gave me I have on repeat now so as soon as I get the signs I start with the mouthwash but as months have passed I have really started to feel well in myself and more stronger.  Tomorrow will be my 7th round of chemotherapy, my markers have dropped to below 100 whereas it started at over 1500. I really can't believe how good the treatment has worked.  Fingers crossed it stays.

    Goodluck with your treatment, keep strong, xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi - I have been injecting it for about 6 months - I have found it easy to do and have had no side effects or anything so far.