Urine Sample With Urostomy

  • 15 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hi all

Looking for experience from anyone with a urostomy who needs to provide the GP with a urine sample. Recent blood tests have identified impaired kidney function, so I need a repeat blood test, and need to provide a urine sample. I did call the surgery, as I currently have no transport to get to any surgery or the hospital, to ask if I could provide the urine sample at the surgery when I can get an appointment, since I don’t have suitable containers at home for a start! 

I am aware of the potential for any sample to be contaminated when it is taken from the bag, but I cannot take a sample direct from the stoma. In all these years since my surgery I’ve never had to provide a urine sample, so could anyone advise please? I’m thinking you might have experience, Jane?  

Sarah xx

  • That is the problem,disjointed care.It gets complicated when you see multiple consultants and are going to more than one hospital.I’m hoping a move will result in finding a better health centre.Ours used to be fine but over the years the good gp’s have left.Xx

  • It definitely makes things harder-at one point I’d seen people over 3 different counties in multiple hospitals. The only thing I needed for a bingo full house in Yorkshire was the dental hospital and I don’t even live in Yorkshire! In general, with one notable exception, my care has been very good, but it’s very disjointed dealing with gynae, urology, colorectal, maxillo facial and the breast clinic! 

    Any further forward with the house sale, Jane, and identifying a new property which might suit you? 

    Sarah xx

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  • That sounds so difficult.Things have stalled here so I’m still stuck though estate agent is doing her best.I wish I felt better to deal with it all.xx

  • It’s so much more difficult to deal with things when you are not feeling so well, isn’t it? It can just be exhausting…and you had so much do do with sorting out your house to get it on the market in the first place.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

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  • It is and the up and down nature of being unwell makes it harder.You have to try and do everything when you have better days.I don’t think people in good health have much understanding.I was trying to explain to my aunt that you feel ill everyday but some days are better than others.I blame everything on glandular fever my health was never the same after that.I still haven’t finished sorting but I’m chipping away at it.xx