Urine Sample With Urostomy

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Hi all

Looking for experience from anyone with a urostomy who needs to provide the GP with a urine sample. Recent blood tests have identified impaired kidney function, so I need a repeat blood test, and need to provide a urine sample. I did call the surgery, as I currently have no transport to get to any surgery or the hospital, to ask if I could provide the urine sample at the surgery when I can get an appointment, since I don’t have suitable containers at home for a start! 

I am aware of the potential for any sample to be contaminated when it is taken from the bag, but I cannot take a sample direct from the stoma. In all these years since my surgery I’ve never had to provide a urine sample, so could anyone advise please? I’m thinking you might have experience, Jane?  

Sarah xx

  • Hi Sarah,Sorry to hear your kidney function is not good.I removed the bag and stood over the bathroom sink and got a sample that way or you could sit down with a container under the stoma.I don’t know how tricky this will be with a flatter stoma.Mine does protrude a bit so I waited for the urine to start and got some mid gush.Perhaps others have a better method as it’s not that easy to get a sample but you won’t need much urine.Love Jane xxx

  • Hi Jane

    Thank you-that’s good advice. It’s difficult having a recessed stoma for sure! I could drink water and then wait with a container and hope to be able to collect it that way either sitting on the loo or using the wash basin-I find it very difficult to stand for any time, so I actually use a perching stool in the bathroom to do my teeth, wash my hands etc. Might not get a lot but at least it would be something. My results say G3 CKD so I’m anxious to try anything to get a better result on the next tests. I thought you’d have some advice-thank you!

    Sarah xx

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    Cervical Cancer Forum

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  • Hi Sarah,I was thinking you couldn’t stand for long so sitting will be easier.They could have given you a specimen pot.Our health centre don’t give them out now I have had to buy them.If you can get a sample just after the urine starts that will be as mid stream as you can get it.I did have to wait a bit but had a drink first.Did they say whether the kidney function problem is due to the surgery ? Mine has been a bit up and down since the cystectomy.Love Jane xxx

  • My practice seems unaware of my surgery! Everyone seems astonished when ever I mention I have stomas like it’s a complete surprise to them. My kidney function was never highlighted after my surgery in anything, and when I had chemo in my first line treatment it was fine. 

    I am very guilty of not drinking enough water so I am trying to remedy that. I was clearly dehydrated getting my bloods last week, as the guy is normally brilliant but really struggled to get anything. Nice bruising on both arms now! I should know better really and up my water intake significantly. I’m not going to stress about it for now and wait till I actually see a doctor face to face-I have an appointment a week on Saturday in person, I think for a medicine review as I’m now on permanent blood thinners and statins after my stroke.

    Sarah xx

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    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Sarah,I swear the gp I saw had never seen a stoma before and the surgery were unaware I had the op until I took my discharge pages down for them to scan ! That is bad that they didn’t tell you about kidney function as that is the main thing that they worry about my uro said.I struggle to drink enough too but find if I keep a bottle of water/juice to hand I drink more.Good luck with your appointment.I have requested twice to see or speak to a dr but no luck and it’s always the nurse.Love Jane xxx

  • I’ve had staff at another hospital tell me I haven’t had my bladder out because there wasn’t anything on my file, I’ve had a gastro registrar not know what a stoma is when I was asking a question about my upcoming gallbladder surgery, and had a nurse try to give me antibiotics via suppository prior to a gastro procedure-I just said good luck with that, I’ve had my rectum removed! Joy Everything is disjointed with communications. I’m amazed I have an appointment with an actual gp in person-I didn’t request it, the surgery made it and sent a text.

    Sarah xx

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    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • One of the gp’s actually said what is all this rubbish about you having cancer.I asked her what scan she was looking at and it was the one prior to cancer.She then picked up the correct scan and said oh yes you do have cancer.The communication is dire.It’s no wonder people lose faith in dr’s,hospitals.Hugs Jane xxx

  • Oh, that’s just awful! I thought pre covid my surgery was fine-now it’s awful. When I was diagnosed with cancer the gp I’d seen actually phoned me to see how I was and to say how sorry she was. But she wasn’t my named GP.

    Last year my own doctor at the surgery misdiagnosed me over the phone with a uti, when my bile duct was blocked and I was actually seriously ill and yellow with jaundice. He was more interested in saying I was remarkable for my age, yet I’ve never been away from hospitals since! I actually have no faith in any of them now, which is scary if you become ill. I’ve actually refused to see my named gp ever again-I don’t trust him to know what he’s talking about.

    Sarah xx

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    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Those were her exact words made me feel like I was making it up and my treatment post op was appalling.I wish I had complained at the time.You have had terrible treatment too it’s so worrying.The NHS is brilliant in so many ways but lacking in others.Communication is one area that could be vastly improved.John is back from hospital and apparently he was supposed to have antibiotics and nurse says prescription has been lost in the system.This latest technology crash has caused lots of problems and the staff are under even more pressure.I feel for them.Love Jane xxx

  • I’ve been made to feel like that too, but I’m past caring and just try to get my point across politely and calmly with a lot of repetition! Poor John-I hope he can get that sorted out quickly. I attend so many different hospitals and clinics and they are in different counties, so paperwork doesn’t seem to catch up. No-one joins the dots! 

    Sarah xx

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    Cervical Cancer Forum

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