Scarring tissue on flexible cystoscopy following TURB surgey and 6 sessions of BCG for high grade bladder cancer

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  • 50 subscribers


My husband was diagnosed with high grade  non muscle invasive bladder ca , had TURB surgery and 6 sessions of weekly BCG

On flexible cystoscopy showed a lot of scarring , fibrous tissue, just wondered how common this is. Is there anyone with similar results on cystoscopy. 

Thank you

  • Had a flexible cystoscopy a couple of weeks ago after BCG number 9 and saw the scarring from the 3 tumours removed in June last year as well as an inflamed area from a rigid cystoscopy in November where they took a biopsy sample (thankfully clear). I thought this would have just been scarring this long after, but team said it was OK.

  • Hi  and a warm welcome to this friendly and informative group. The red scarring and red patches are very common after a TURBT are very common and a regular topic on here . In most case it is just the after effects of treatment and not usually a cause for concern. The usually follow up is a further flexi scope check to make sure all is well after the BCG. Lots of experience here so feel free to ask any questions or just talk. I hope all goes well. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Hi Donnatel,I used to get scarring before cancer from the removal of ulcers and red patches.I hope you find the group useful.Best wishes Jane 

  • Thank you so much  for warm wellcome and for reassuring reply.

    Best wishes to All.

  • Hi Donnatel, BCG causes lots of inflammation (that is its job) and the TURBT removal of cancers leave scarring. Neither is to worry about they are just evidence of the treatment. I had 27 doses of BCG over 3 and a half years and now 3 more years after the treatment was completed (and all clear...hooray!) there are still signs of scarring and even inflammation when I have my flexi-cystoscopies. Better than cancer I always think. I'm guessing your husband now has 3 months off till further BCG? Sounds like his flexi showed he was cancer free?Fingers crossed Hoping you can both take a deep breath and enjoy the holiday from treatment.  Hx