Bladder cancer

  • 26 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Is anyone just being newly diagnosed with bladder cancer. I have yet to have the tumours found removed and I am terrified and so in shock and wonder if anybody is going through the same thing. 

  • Hi K. B,I felt so tired I had to put my mum who I cared for into respite care.She stayed for a year as I had the cystectomy 2 months after diagnosis.Jane

  • Yes, I was diagnosed two weeks ago and going to hospital to have TURBT in 3 days time. I am trying to stay positive and not think about ti too much. My sister died from bladder cancer - but she was only 54 and I am 78 so at least I am telling myself it isn't too bad!

  • Hi Jenea, in my experience TURBTs are generally nothing to worry too much about. Although of course the biopsy results which follow are crucial in the next steps of your treatment. I stayed in hospital overnight for my first because you often wake up with a catheter, and they then want to remove and check you can wee ok. Since then I have had 4 TURBTs in day surgery. I am sorry to hear you lost your sister at such a young age. There is no explaining why cancers progress faster and earlier for some than others. My diagnosis was in 2017 and I am still trucking along age 75. Sending best wishes. x

  • First couple of week when I started to go out walking I was slow would walk 1/2hr  sleep for 2\3 hrs after it .it does get easier don't rush yourself  set your a goal and aim for it 

  • Stay postive  I was 49  when I fist went to hospital was diagnosed when I was 51 went thru the full op last July and I'm fine  don't think negative stay postive

  • I'm due my year check up in August I'm terrified it's back I just hope and pray it aint