BCG treatment

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  • 69 subscribers

Since December after having three BcG treatment it has been suspended due to my eyes reacting to it. Have had eyes checked they are fine but still red dry eyes so they say. Speak to the consultant on Tuesday re what next. I had the cancer removed in September a CIS.Ct scan clear but had the BcG in case. Prior to this I suffered with U TI’s and was constantly in pain and no one could explain forward 6 months and my bladder feels great can even go 4 hours at night and 2 in the day without going to the toilet and no longer need pads or Tena ladies it’s my own personal miracle as 6 months back I was going to the toilet 24 times plus  in a 24 hour period ,Sleep was a nightmare. I just can’t believe how good I am now. Plus I was told I am now type 2 diabetic as I am one over the pre diabetic level. That kick started us to try the low carb diet and since early Feb have lost 12lbs. Oh and as for that awful pain that to has cleared up. Can anyone else relate to this.?