Diagnosis day 12/03

  • 11 replies
  • 72 subscribers

Hi Everyone

Just had a call from my Urology team for an outpaitient appointment for this coming Wednesday.  Came a little sooner than I was expecting, but at least the waiitng is nearly over.

Wondered if anyone here can suggest any questions to ask that I might have missed?

Health is improving nicely although not had an scabs out yet...



  • Hi Rob. Good to know you have a date. Always best to take someone with you as they tend to overload you with information which you forget half of as soon as you are out of the door. Some doctors let you record the meeting. Also ask to be copied in to the notes. The consultant should send details to your GP and you are entitled to be copied in. It is easier to understand when in black and white. It may also show on your My NHS app. The doc should explain things to you but you need to know the stage and grade, what treatment is planned, as well as time frames. I hope all goes well. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Not too much longer to wait, that's good. Anything you don't understand, ask them to explain. If you are offered choices, ask pros & cons/risks & benefits/likelihood of cure/long term prospects so you can weight them up. If they only offer one option, ask if there are any other treatment possibilities. I used to find that whatever questions I had lined up, the consultant would floor me with something I didn't expect & I would be thrown. So try to think of type of questions, rather than specifics. Hope all goes well.

  • Good luck Rob,It’s helpful to take someone in with you.I took my sister with me and she asked questions too.I had a little notebook to jot down the answers.Jane xx

  • Good luck for Wednesday!
    The advice here is so so good. I’ll be following it when I get my follow up consult.   Nikki xx

  • Good luck Rob, 

    I would ask about staging, treatment options and timeframes. 

    I chose to go in alone, but as others have suggested it may help to take someone with you. 

    Let us know how you get on, fingers crossed for you

  • Thanks Rily - all good advice.

  • Many thanks Teasswill.  I'll try and remain flexible and roll with the information.

  • Hi Jane - Yeah, my wife will be coming with me.  Just hope she doesn't get more upset than me Slight smileYou are right though, extra set of thoughts and questions.

  • Thanks Nikki; yeah, all good solid suggestions, hopefully you won't have to wait too much longer.

  • Hi Nananaps - As soon as I get the info I'll let you guys know.