BCG treatment

  • 5 replies
  • 70 subscribers

I’ve had my #6 BCG treatment today, now have a break until May. I’ve not had any side effects except feeling a little nauseous if I go too long without food. I was diagnosed over 2 years ago, and been having camera examinations, then a bladder lining shave (can’t remember medical names) when cancer recurred. Now on BCG to see if that works. I’m now 78 years old, but hoping that I will be cured. Also they found cancer n my lung. I have had a good half of my left lung removed, which was successful in removing the tumour in one. Has anyone else been through this process as I’d love to hear how you feel? I look forward to reply. IMBY

  • Hi Imby,I haven’t been through the same as you but wanted to welcome you to our friendly group.I hope you will find it helpful and supportive.Love Jane x

  • Hi Imby - welcome to this lovely, supportive group!

    My experience of bladder cancer is very new and so far very limited but I just wanted to welcome you and say someone will be along soon who has a similar experience to yours I’m sure.
    in the meantime happy Friday Smiley !

    love Nikki x

  • Hi Imby,

    Welcome to this friendly group.

    Good to hear you have got your BCG induction course done without any issues.

    Quite a few of us on here going through BCG, myself included and I just had number 18 earlier this week.

    Not had any experience of lung cancer though.

    Wishing you all the best.


  • Thank you for all your replies. It’s good hearing from people who are going through similar experiences. Has anyone had any side effects from BCG treatment. I’ve recently had my gallbladder removed, with robotic surgery, as was my lung surgery. I was amazed how I recovered quite quickly from both procedures. Surgery is certainly advancing to what it used to be. 

  • Robotic surgery is amazing.The surgeons can perform such delicate manoeuvres robotically.I watched a clip of the Da Vinci robot peeling a grape before 
    I had my operation.I had a mixture of robot and general surgery to remove the bladder.Jane