A week after first TURBT

  • 20 replies
  • 70 subscribers

Hi everyone, I hope you’re all seeing and/or feeling the sun today. It’s a beautiful day here in London…

i have a question about healing after the TURBT op.

Ive had a pretty easy run of it this last week. I’m drinking a lot and peeing a lot.

I do have some abdominal pain - more a discomfort but it’s there a lot of the time now a little more so but not much of anything to complain or worry about for which I’m very grateful!

However in the last 2 days I’ve had an urgency and ‘full bladder’ discomfort within about 20 mins of emptying it..and also I feel that there’s a residual amount I have to wait to pass each time…Is this the start of a UTI..? 

I actually can’t remember. I didn’t have too many at all after my 30s and wasn’t aware of any in the run up to my heamaturia incidents that obviously led to my TURBT.

 Is it something that can happen a week in? Can the healing be a bit up and down rather than a straight forward ‘better each day’ type healing..? 

I’ve got my literature from the hospital and I’ve looked online but just wondered if anyone has had a similar thing happen..? Thanks! 

  • Hey Nikink

    1. I had a very similar experience. I took a sample to be tested to be on the safe side, it was all clear. I was advised it was the healing process. I felt fab for the first two weeks then slowly got more uncomfortable. My CNS told me last week that it could take 8 weeks to settle down properly. My advice would be to keep up the fluids and get a sample checked if you feel you need to. Better to be safe than sorry. 
  • Hi! Thank you. Ahh ok yes, that’s sensible. Thanks so much for your reply it’s just reassuring to hear that what’s happening is a part of what’s expected or often experienced. I’ll go to the surgery on Monday morning - I think I’ll even take a sample with me! 
    How are you doing? x

  • Hi Nikki,Yes healing can be up and down sometimes.I agree with Nananaps it would be wise to get your urine tested to rule out infection.Love Jane xx

  • Thanks. Yes, I’ll definitely do that.

    Yesterday I just thought hmm what’s that..?  But today when it’s been happening again since about 4am I thought it was something to note and act on. 
    Thanks so much.
    Hope all is well with you x

  • Ok thanks just really tired.It’s a beautiful day here in Somerset.Let us know how you get on.I hope the symptoms settle.Love Jane x

  • Hi Nikink

    Your a few days ahead of me, but I've noticed a difference in urgency each day.  Today I'm up and down more than yesterday but I'm just putting it down to healing and changes taking place.  Also have a bit more discomfort down below.  Wee seems clear and free flowing though.  Hope you keep improving and that the urgency settles down.  My Outreach nurse told me it cn take weeks to settle down and that a person could have blood and urgency through six to eight weeks.

    Lemon Barely water is working though - great advice from the group.


  • It really does help hearing others experiences doesn't it. 

    If it gets worse don't wait til Monday, I would give 111 a call. I joke with my GP now that they have seen more of my samples than urology! 

    I'm OK, still pretty uncomfortable but getting used to it now! Hopefully we will have a plan of action on Monday and things will get better.

    Try and have a lovely weekend x

  • Hi Rob - thanks so much for your reply.

    Yeah the Lemon Barley is a game changer! I couldn’t get all this water down me but I’m drinking so so much of this. I’m sure our bladders are thanking us! 

    your Turbt was more involved than mine so I hope you’re taking it really easily because I’m still wiped out 8 days on.

    It’s hard to get your head around the fact that this could still be healing and settling down up to 6 - 8 weeks afterwards but we just need to listen to the experts, accept it and be good to ourselves. 

    Have a lovely weekend. x

  • I had a lot of bad urine infections before bladder removal.My gp back then used to say ‘ what soup have you brought in for me to test today ‘ Nauseated face She was lovely and had a great sense of humour.

  • Nice!

    Ha haaa. It does help doesn’t it? Joy x