How long do abdominal aches and pains last post Radical Cystectomy?

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I am week 12 post RC and still get various aches and pains in my abdomen. Is this par for the course ? Cheers Leo

  • Hi Leo,I had various aches and pains for the first 4 months at least.They lessened as time went on.If I did too much though I would get pain and nausea and that still happens 5 yrs later.I stop what I’m doing if I start feeling sick as that seems to be a warning sign I have overdone it.Love Jane x

  • Hi Leo :-)

    "Early days" I'm afraid, as was my experience 12 months ago being my "week 12". Nowadays I'm only aware of one thing, my pouch getting heavy & needing to drain it :-)  Remember just how much 'fettling' the surgeon had to do down there, essentially unravelling your guts to get the job done, so all of that has to snuggle down again, but with a big gap where the bladder used to be. The resected Ileum which provided your conduit for the stoma really upset the bowel's memory, so fully restored function & associated feelings for that will take at least another 3 to 4 months before you wonder why it's all gone quiet down there, & bowel movements settle down to 2 to 3 days regularity. Look forward to it & remember, you're probably getting a better night's sleep now than most people you know these days :-)

  • I was clear of major aches and pains by about 10 weeks. I had robot assisted keyhole surgery though which I was told usually results in a faster recovery. I’m a year on from surgery this week and have continued with exercises and a daily one hour walk. I get a little bit on a mild ache around the main wound site for an hour or two if I overdo the physical activity but it passes quickly enough.

  • Hello Wave I’m having assistance from robots to. Not had my surgery yet. Waiting appointment. But so glad it went well for you . 

  • It’s all gone better than I expected really. The robotic keyhole method did seem to help. Four tiny incisions and one rather larger one, all sealed with staples, hence my user name. In hospital for 7 nights and home on day 8. Staples removed on follow up a week or so after discharge. Sleeping better than for many years.

  • Yes, I would say so. You might not realise it, but you are probably gradually moving more - stretching further & more energetically. Healing is still going on inside, so where things have been cut & rearranged, you are bound to get some resistance from time to time. It's also possible that some nerves have been tweaked which are sensitive. I have two particular places that even 13 years later give the occasional twinge. 

    When I restarted exercise classes, or made a strenuous movement, if something hurt, I would ease off and go slower/not as far. Patience is the key!! 

  • Cheers. Reminder to self. Do not spend over an hour picking up twigs and small branches in the garden. Far too much. Pain in the night and today. A bit foolish. Leo

  • Easily done Leo.I did the same and suffered for it.I hope you feel better soon.Recovery is a slow and frustrating process at times.Jane x

  • I tried Buscopan - which my specialist nurse recommended. It worked in 30 minutes. No more spasms or pain. Odd, but great. Thanks for all your help, you are quite wonderful. Leo

  • Good to hear the Buscopan helped.It sounds like you have got to the stage of wanting to do more than your body will allow.I thought it would be a great idea to paint the tiny upstairs bathroom 3-4 months post op.People on here thought it might be a bit too ambitious and they were correct.I started painting it in 2020 and finished it last year ! I would have completed it sooner but being mum’s executor took up time.