Bladder cancer

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Today I'm not coping very well trying to get answers is so hard waiting for oncology nurse to ring as getting letters left right and centre from two different hospitals being told different things all the time .I was diagnosed in November last year and still haven't got a treatment plan .I was given all the information on having my bladder removed from my local urologist but referred to City hospital .

  • I've received letters from local hospital saying I have to have pets can and mri but I'm now under the city hospital confused 

  • Hi Wilkie,I feel for you,it must be very confusing and I hope that you get some clarity from the nurse.The pet scan will help your team in deciding the next step.It is a problem when you have different hospitals and conflicting information.I hope things become clearer for you soon and you can move forward with treatment.Love Jane x

  • Thankyou Jane I hope so to its the not knowing xx

  • I understand that.I’m waiting to find out why I am in pain with my back.Fingers crossed you get some answers soon.People find they feel much better mentally once they have a treatment plan.You can focus on getting better then.Communication badly needs improvement in the NHS.Love Jane xx

  • So sorry to hear things are not progressing well with your management of your disease and your not coping too well, seek support from wherever you can, friends colleagues family and also support systems at the hospital.

    If you are not getting the answers you feel you should be don't be afraid to keep chasing them up for answers or decisions, and also have you raised theses concerns with your local doctor as they will chase the hospital up for you as well or at least in my case they will.

    I hope you get a treatment plan sorted very soon and wish you the very best of luck.


    My name is Simon. But Si is also fine, in fact you can call me anything you like it’s only a name after all Joy

    Much love and hope to everyone past future and present. 

    I also hate autocorrect and hope people can make sense out of my posts when it changes half the words I type.