Tumour found during cystoscopy

  • 15 replies
  • 69 subscribers

Hi everyone, my husband had blood in his urine for six weeks,it was first thought it was a water infection and treated with antibiotics,they didnt work so they then thought it was a kidney infection and treated with more antibiotics but nothing changed so they sent him for a cystoscopy..I do apologise if I've misspelt that ! During the procedure the consultant found a large tumour,he has had a ct scan and we are now waiting on the results of that...to add,he has had prostate cancer for the past 15 years which has been successfully managed with zoladex ( no surgery) the consultant thinks this tumour has nothing to do with his prostate cancer as his psa levels are so low.he has lost 2 stone in weight we are all so worried.just wondering what's the next step.thanks for reading.

  • Hi Positivity2000,Welcome to our friendly group though I’m sorry you find yourself here.

    The next step will be a TURBT procedure ( Trans urethral resection of bladder turnour).This involves having a general anaesthetic or rarely a spinal one and having the bladder inspected with a rigid cystoscope.The tumour will be removed and biopsies taken.Your husband will wake up with a catheter.How long that stays in varies.Some people have them removed the following day but he may have it a few days.It’s common to have a follow up TURBT a few weeks after the first.The scan along with the biopsy results will provide all the information to stage and grade the tumour.A team made up of various health professionals will meet and come up with a treatment plan for your husband.

    I hope this helps,feel free to ask any questions as there is a wealth of experience on here.
    It can seem overwhelming at the start but stick here with us as we are all here to help and support you both through.Best wishes Jane 

  • Hi Positivity2000, Sorry to hear about your husband. The majority of people on this forum will have had the same experiences or similar to your husbands. I had blood in my pee nearly six years ago. I had a TURBT to remove the tumour followed by chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Once your husband has hid TURBT and results from the biopsy then a treatment plan can be started. Wishing you well. Garviv 

  • My rigid cystoscopy and biopsy were done with a spinal anaesthetic last week. A new experience . The results are expected in about 4 weeks .

  • Thankyou so much for such an informative reply,I'm sure I will have many more questions in the coming weeks,it's good to know that help and support is out there x

  • Thankyou for replying,sending positive thoughts regarding your results x

  • Thankyou for replying,it's reassuring to know that others have had or got the same symptoms. Sending you best wishes 

  • I’m happy if I have helped.There are others here supporting husbands/partners so you are not alone.Do you have much support ? Jane x

  • How did you find it ? Fingers crossed for clear results.Best wishes Jane x

  • The loss of sensation below the waist was a very strange experience. For about two hours after the procedure I couldn’t feel anything in my feet and legs. I was told that this anaesthetic had less strain on the heart and lungs. Being awake and chatting to the medical team was another new experience. The usual limitations of driving and needing supervision afterwards still applied. My fingers are also crossed for the biopsy results. It’s coming up to 4 years since I started this journey and although it takes over your daily routine the alternative is worse ! Kindest regards ,John x

  • Hi John, I have had 3 spinals so far, it is a very weird experience, but it works well for me without anaesthetic. I felt exhausted afterwards but i kind of expected that, its quite an emotionally draining thing to go through. good luck with your results 

    Much love Angela x