Male blood cancer

  • 11 replies
  • 61 subscribers

 I have Been diagnosed with muscle invasive  Blood cancer   Stage 3  T2   I am about to undertake Chemotherapy   Can a choice of bladder removal or radio therapy I'm sixty five and fairly fit    Has anybody had any experience and advice Going Forward thank you Michael

  • Hello  and welcome to the group although sorry to hear your diagnosis, but be aware bladder cancer can be treated successfully. Did you mean bladder cancer rather than blood cancer? I was T3/G3 and  had chemo and then chose radiotherapy. I was 63 at the time, now 73. Others here have had bladder removal. Lots of experience here so always someone with an answer so feel free to ask anything. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Thank you very much Rily     Yes I did mean bladder cancer        I.

    Am told add chemo Radiotherapy Is the best route to take    But of course , it depends on the individual  The stage Age  And weather it is spread I imagine      But if it's just contained to the bladder muscle Or wall      Then Id 

    Just like to go for chemo radio Therapy    Then in the coming months and years eat healthy  Keep yourself fairly fit   I'm fingers crossed   and Have faith in  You're  Imune system to  do the rest     Thank you for that reply anyway   Michael

  • Hi  . If you are having neoadjuvant chemo before any further treatment, then you should have a couple of months to gather as much information as you can to make an informed decision going forward. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Hi rily     With 2-3 weeks to go to my chemotherapy I'm told i'm having a short session       Then either surgery or Radio therapy  I'm not sure if it's a combination of the two    Radio therapy that is           And after one more scan Of the bone Especially something's seen At the bottom of my spine  Though i've already had a bone scan  Yet the Surgeon did Say it's probably just an old injury  And you doubt very much it has spread to there   They just need to be sure    Fingers crossed he's correct    but the neoadjuvant chemo Hasn't been mentioned yet   Obviously I had a TURBT operation  To cut  the 2.5 cmtr Tumour  away   Followed by the biopsy        So I guess I'll no more after The Chemo Session    I take it.You have regular checkups every few months or years     And hopefully it's been clear over that time    Thank you rily      

  • I'm sorry rily   I miss understood   Your meaning of neoadjuvant Chemo    I now realise that Chemotherapy and radiotherapy is a part of that.  Thank you anyway

  • Hi BRICKHOUSE,Welcome to our friendly group.I hope you find it helpful and supportive.Best wishes Jane 

  • Thank you very much Jane    I really appreciate Your response   And warm welcome    I hope your health has been Good          Look after yourself

  • Hello Brickhouse, I had a tumour removed from my bladder nearly six years ago. I chose chemotherapy and chemo radiotherapy rather than bladder removal. I have had a couple of superficial recurrences but otherwise clear following BCG treatment. Try and get as much information as possible to broaden your knowledge and options. Stay clear of Google. Good luck.Garviv

  • Thank you very much Garviv      And yes I agree about google      Sometimes you can No too much  and  getting the wrong information     As your stress levels are bad enough as  it is    The waiting for That phone calls  From the consultants and waiting for biopsy And  appointments has been the The hardest bit I'm sure you'll agree Yes, I tried to take in as much as I can.But I think I've come to the conclusion.That chemo and radio therapy is the best route to take I'd like a sight eat and drink healthy With a bit of fitness mixed in   I'm hope You're a Immune system does the rest It's great to know you stayed In good health     Long may it continue  

  • Hi Michael,

    Welcome to this group.

    My diagnosis and treatment plan went a different route so I can't offer any great input or advice to your situation, but wanted to wish you all the best.
