Hi to all Cytoscopy Not Done.

  • 2 replies
  • 63 subscribers

I went to my Cytoscopy appointment today I got changed went into the room they were doing it in 

And the Urologist Said we R not Going to do the Camera test Today because you R having the Super pubic catheter done on the 18th of October they R taking the Microphone mic it's only 10 days away

I wanted to know today this is not good Enough

How do I complain who it was booked in for Today

I am not happy at all.

  1. Dolphin500
  • Hi  . I believe this is not the first time things have been changed for you without notice. Did they explain the need for a catheter ? Do you have a CNS to call ? If not you could try PALS at your hospital. It is not a complaints department, but they can look in to your case and get some answers for you. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Hi I am having the Superpubic Catheter done I've been advised by my doctor the virginal one causes more infections ect so why I am having superpubic done next Friday cannot wait.

    But I was told I needed the two week wait for Cytoscopy Test.

    They don't have my body & my problems do they it's me putting up with things they R not willing to sort out.
