Started maintenance BCG today

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  • 65 subscribers

Hello everyone 

So after a lovely Birthday weekend with family and friends Birthday I started my maintenance BCG today. It was great to see my CNS Anne, such a lovely lady. Number 7 went in with no issues,  kept in for 2 hours, then bleaching and drinking lots. Stinging and pain on peeing at the moment but had painkillers. 

I was given my biopsy results today and, hooray! they are all clear. I have been so stressed since the end of July and feel like I can breathe a little now. 

So I'm in the "I had red patches on BCG that turned out to be nothing club" (as coined by Leo Wink) as well as the "Monday morning pants off club" (as coined by me Laughing

Sending lots of love and positive vibes Sparkles️ to everyone. 

A very relieved Ade Relieved xx