Does a new diagnosis of CIS require six BCG

  • 1 reply
  • 57 subscribers

Hello Friends and wishing you all a happy Bank Holiday weekend…

Following on from my post last week when I told you I was diagnosed in January with T1G3 and completed six BCG in May, then unfortunately the biopsy in July conformed CIS alongside the G3… I was advised by the Doctor at results clinic recently that I would therefore need another six BCG followed by a biopsy six weeks later. However, my specialist nurse considers six BCG is too many and I should be ok with three, which was the original maintenance plan before the  CIS diagnosis.

I would welcome your views on this as it’s confusing and a tad unnerving.

Thanks and as always, appreciated 

  • Hi  . We know there is a standard protocol for BCG treatment, but we often see treatment differing from patient to patient and doctor to doctor. Usually depending on individual circumstances. In your case there seems to be a difference of opinion between your doctor and CNS. CIS can be more difficult to treat and your doctor may feel the need for a full 6 treatments. Hopefully others will be along to share experiences. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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