Follow Up Appointment To TURBT

  • 12 replies
  • 71 subscribers

I am new to the group. My husband was diagnosed with bladder cancer following a cystoscopy and had a TURBT a month ago. He had CAT scans before the op and a liver MRI after the op. I am stressed by the fact that they asked for a liver MRI. His cancer was 10mm long and the surgeon told him that the op had gone well. 

Now a month later, we have an appointment this afternoon to discuss the biopsy results, he is pretty chilled about it all. I am far from chilled. Lucky to get the appointment so soon as it is a cancellation.

The waiting is awful and I find it hard not being in control.

I suppose by the end of today we will know the outcome and what happens next.

  • Hello  and a warm welcome to this friendly and supportive group. The first thing we like to tell people is that BC can be treated successfully and many of us here have been through it. We know how hard the waiting can be. The early days of not knowing and uncertainty can be the worst. When you see the consultant, they should be able to give a stage and grade. The stage is how far it has progressed and the grade is the type of cell and how aggressive or not it is. It is easy to forget all the information, so wise to take notes or even record the meeting. Once you know what you are dealing with and have a treatment plan, then things tend to get slightly easier as you have something to focus on. Feel  free to ask any questions, lots of experience here. I hope all goes well with the meeting and please let us know. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Hi MathsLady,Welcome to our friendly group.The waiting is never easy.You should feel more in control after today.Scans are needed to get the full picture before deciding on treatment.It is a good idea to write down any questions you may have for the consultant.I took my sister in with me and she asked questions I had forgotten so an extra pair of ears is helpful.Things become easier mentally once you have some idea of the treatment plan.Stay on here and we will all help to support you both through.Let us know how it goes this afternoon.Best wishes Jane x

  • Hi MathsLady, welcome and sending you a hug to steady you before your appt this afternoon. Its was good advice from Rily & Jane writing questions down. Its difficult to even think straight when you feel so stressed. Also write down the answers, they will be happy to repeat them. Keep in touch, there are many good people on here who fully understand and have a wealth of experience. Best of luck, take care and  remember to focus on breathing, it will help you calm a little.

    Much love Angela x

  • It’s so easy to remember what you wanted to ask as soon as you leave the appointment.I took in a tiny notebook to write down the questions and answers.x

  • Thank you for your reassurance and your advice. I will take notes. 

  • Thanks so much for your encouragement. 

  • Thanks. The hug is needed!! 

  • Good advice, thank you.

  • The waiting is the hard bit, but at least you will have some answers and most likely a lot more questions. It's the start of your journey and everyone journey is somewhat similar yet cab be also very very different. 

    Good luck and I wish for a positive outcome, but whatever the outcome anything you can take as a positive has to be taken if there isn't good news.

    Tbh for me it wasn't that hard waiting as with the nurse saying the tumour looked suspect and then doing some googling I knew what it was before the biopsy had been tested. So it wasn't really that much of a suprise/shock for me at least. It was as I expected but also better news in my case than I expected, for now at least. It's just a waiting game now to see if it comes back and if things progress to other stages. 

    But it is what it is really can't do much about it other than try to minimise risk of reoccurrence and hope for the best. 


    My name is Simon. But Si is also fine, in fact you can call me anything you like it’s only a name after all Joy

    Much love and hope to everyone past future and present. 

    I also hate autocorrect and hope people can make sense out of my posts when it changes half the words I type.

  • Thanks everyone for your support and advice. Good news and bad news. Good news is the bladder cancer needs no further action, just check ups. Bad news is scans showed a small cancer in one kidney. This was a massive shock. He will have to have the kidney removed and this will happen in the next 6 weeks. Not what we expected but we know what we are dealing with and the consultant was talking about cure and not treatment. We are looking ahead and thinking that by the end of the year we will be over the worst. I feel calmer now I know.