Follow Up Appointment To TURBT

  • 12 replies
  • 60 subscribers

I am new to the group. My husband was diagnosed with bladder cancer following a cystoscopy and had a TURBT a month ago. He had CAT scans before the op and a liver MRI after the op. I am stressed by the fact that they asked for a liver MRI. His cancer was 10mm long and the surgeon told him that the op had gone well. 

Now a month later, we have an appointment this afternoon to discuss the biopsy results, he is pretty chilled about it all. I am far from chilled. Lucky to get the appointment so soon as it is a cancellation.

The waiting is awful and I find it hard not being in control.

I suppose by the end of today we will know the outcome and what happens next.

  • Hi  . Mixed news. Good on the bladder front with just follow up observation. Sorry to hear about the kidney, but the bladder problem may have been a blessing in disguise in detecting the kidney issue before it progressed. I hope all goes well going forward. Best wishes. 

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Bit of a late reply, thanks for hour encouragement and support. He has the pre-op assessment on Thursday this week and the op is on 1st October.  Be glad when the op is done and he is home recovering.