BCG #1

  • 20 replies
  • 68 subscribers

Morning all, just back from my BCG #1. 

It was quick and easy and painless, I hadn’t eaten or drank anything since yesterday, but my CNS has told me that next week I can have a coffee and breakfast before I come. She said I could go home straight away, so I’ve come home, walked the dog and been to the cafe, ( fry up) still got 30 minutes to keep the solution in then it’s time to up the fluid intake. I feel ok…

Back in 1986 i joined the Royal Free Hospital as a Porter. A few of my mates from school were there. We decided that we would stay there for about 6 months then get another job… 25 years later I left the health service… while I was there I met loads of amazing people, and can you believe that my CNS is a nurse I met back in 1988 when she started her training.. it was so nice that someone I know was giving me the treatment..

sending you all love and positivity 


  • Hi Nigel,I’m glad it went well.I had a similar experience being treated by a nurse I had known briefly over 30 years before.It’s a small world.Love Jane x

  • Thanks Jane, it was so nice. Two hours is up so it’s time to flush it all out.. I’ve had a couple of pain killers. x

  • Nigel, My wife used to work out of the Royal Free - she was a midwife, first on the wards, then in the community. Small world. Leo

  • Hi Nigel,

    Great to hear all went well.. You must have been pleased to have been allowed home. Just a heads up that the urgency to wee can come on very quickly, if you're out you can't use public toilets.

    It's funny how I was told to avoid drinking (I have toast) before hand and you've been told drinking a coffee is ok (coffee being a diuretic).

    I guess each hospital has it's own criteria.

    I'm really pleased it went well for you.


  •  Trevor she told me just one coffee but I’ll stick to water before I go. 
    side effect? Just had a really deep sleep for a couple of hours. Didn’t see it coming..not weed yet. Drank about a litre of water so far. Feel like I could have another nap…zzzzz

  • Leo, when I first started at the Free, I rushed a lady to the the maternity ward. When I got there the midwife told me to leave the lady and “just take a sit in the room over there” 

    so being new I did. About 30 minutes later I realised I was in the waiting room for expecting fathers… Grinning..

  • Cheers Trevor, yep I was surprised when she said I could have my breakfast before arriving including a coffee, but only one coffee.. I made up for it when I got homeGrinning 

    just had the deepest of naps/Sleep for a couple of hours..not been to the loo yet. Had about a half a litre of water so far.. 

  • Apologies…. I forgot to ask how you all are, Jane, Leo and Trevor…

    hope you’re all as well as can be… 


  • Hi Nigel, thanks for asking Grinning. BCG number 9 went in early today. Now I have a break of 6 to 8 weeks till the next cystoscope. Just got to get over the next few days. The maintenance round has brought the usual myriad side effects, but it will be behind me once I have recovered a bit. How are you this PM? Leo

  • We can recover over the next couple of days Leo. I bet you’re glad for the break now.. I feel ok, just had first wee, no pain or blood.. but I’m guessing that’s all to come.. one thing my nurse did today( not sure if it’s normal) she drained my bladder completely before my treatment. She told me that even thought we go for a pee there is still some left in the bladder.. I think she said that she put 50mls into me.. also told me that side effects (although different in everyone) normally start to kick in around week 3-4… 2 pints of lemon barley water down and I feel ok. 
    How are you dealing with it Leo? Do you just take it day by day