Cystectomy for the over 80s - anyone had removal of bladder, urethra and prostrate, replaced with bag?

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  • 64 subscribers

Hi My Partner about to go through this as his final solution, He's had surgery to remove Urethra and one kidney. He had Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy, but it came back, he had BCG but got infections, he went onto another drug washed around the bladder, but its come back and the bladder walls are thick on one side. The consultant is looking at surgery to remove and replace with a bag. due to his age he's concerned over recovery, he's fit for his age, but overweight.

We read input from Pringle 35 back in april, and would like to hear again as his history encouraging. Can anyone help? thanks Yavapi x

  • Hi  .Sorry to hear tour partner's treatment has been unsuccessful so far. We know treatment is determined by fitness rather than age and we have had members here in their eighties who have had RC. Hopefully someone will be along to share experiences. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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