Feeling like a need to pee a lot

  • 2 replies
  • 63 subscribers

Hi there, I'm 2 months on from my last Mtomycin C session and due to have a cystoscopy in a month. For the last week or so I have felt like I need to wee even though there isn't that much there. No blood,stinging etc. I was wondering if I should get in touch with the support nurses about this ? Originally had a G2pTa 4cm tumour removed in February. 

  • Hi  .Always worth while having a test for infection in these cases. Our local pharmacies do them now and can issue antibiotics if necessary. If you do have a CNS then give them a call. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water even though it seems like a contradiction. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Thanks Riley, I am drinking about 3 litres a day so shouldn't be dehydrated. Urine doesn't look dark and I have used some testing strips for blood - negative. I'll give the CNS ladies a ring tomorrow, see what they say. Of course my concern is a return of the tumour and I don't want to lose a month if that's the case.