Blood in Urine 5 weeks after induction

  • 62 replies
  • 62 subscribers

Hi fellow travellers, I finished my BCG induction course 5 weeks ago, and have my cystoscopy next week. Tonight I saw rose blood in my urine. My imagination is in overdrive of course. Has this happened to anyone else on the BCG treatment programme? Any advice? Thanks Leo

  • Thanks Ste, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it goes OK on Monday. Just a bit apprehensive about the side effects but I'll just have to get on with it. I'll keep posting on the forum and let everyone know how I'm doing.

    Enjoy your Bank Holiday weekend 

    Ade x

  • Angela, my OH insisted I keep a treatment diary for every event. It has proved invaluable, a great idea. Leo

  • How are you today friend ? While you go for your turbt on Tuesday , i will be having my BCG. Until then I am putting it out of my mind, watching FA CUP  and going into town on sunday for tea. Monday shopping and cooking , as i am pretty much washed out for a few days with tiredness after BCG so getting prepared Thats the plan so far. How about you ?

    Much love Angela x

  • Much better Angela, the cystocope seems to have cleared some sort of penile or bladder plumbing blockage, like a magic Dyno Rod, and my waterworks are back to normal. Strange. 

  • Pre op next week TURBT some time in June

  • Hi Leo,It’s good to hear you are feeling more comfortable.Jane x

  • That is good news Leo , you can get on with doing stuff without that awful discomfort/pain and needing the loo. Have a lovely weekend

    Much love Angela x

  • Hi Angela I have a date for a biopsy in about 2 weeks, to take a sample from the “inflamed” area and rule out a recurrence. Really hoping it’s just inflammation otherwise I may be heading towards radical surgery. Testing time as ever, the wait, uncertainty and yet more waiting. 

  • Hi Leo. I have had several of these red patch scares over the years which turned out to be nothing. Quite common on here. I have never had follow up biopsies, just a call back in a couple of weeks to double check. Sounds like they are being overly cautious with you to make sure. I hope it all turns out well. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Hi Riley, starting to get some visible blood in urine. Worried obvs. Prostate still causing a lot of pain.