Blood in Urine 5 weeks after induction

  • 62 replies
  • 62 subscribers

Hi fellow travellers, I finished my BCG induction course 5 weeks ago, and have my cystoscopy next week. Tonight I saw rose blood in my urine. My imagination is in overdrive of course. Has this happened to anyone else on the BCG treatment programme? Any advice? Thanks Leo

  • Hi Leo, my OH had a much delayed cystoscopy and first TURBT, removing a complete bladder -full of G3 PTa tumours. He had 6 BCG and six weeks for bladder to settle. Check cystoscopy was done under GA due to him having strictures [they have to use force to get the instruments up...] He woke up to the info that it had turned into another TURBT as there was already a new papilloma, so they had removed it. He was offered more BCG, RC or Mitomycin. Not then understanding the 'repeat weed-killer' nature of BCG treatment, and desperate to avoid RC if at all possible, he asked for Mitomycin. This has done the job as he has now been clear for about five years, mostly on six monthly checks. So it's quite possible they could be happy to go on with treatment rather than surgery, it just depends on the lab findings.

  • Good Evening Leo 

    Hope some positive news comes from this for you a great reply from Denby there I agree totally 


  • Hi Leo, I'm sorry to hear that you now need another TURBT but at least they seem to be moving quickly. Keep a positive mindset. We are all thinking good thoughts for you and you will soon be on to your next round of BCG. 

    Love and hugs to you

    Ade xx

  • Good luck on Monday Furbabymama hope it all goes well with your BCG treatment. Lynn x

  • Hi Ade , good luck with your bcg on monday. Keep in touch and let us know how you get on. In my profile i have recorded my reactions to BCG each time so that i can keep track of any changes. We will be thinking of you 

    Much love Angela x

  • Thanks for this post Lynn, sometimes my memory is just awful and i miss things that are important.

    Much love Angela x

  • Thank you Granny M, I've got my fingers crossed that it's OK.

    Ade x

  • Hi Angela, that's a really good Bulbidea. I think I'll document my reactions too. I'll keep you posted on how it goes. What a lovely way to spend a Bank Holiday Monday Joy 

    Love Ade xx

  • pleased you are finally starting your BCG treatments Ade been many twists and turns for you but your finally there now hope it’s kind to you and does the job required 
