Blood in Urine 5 weeks after induction

  • 62 replies
  • 62 subscribers

Hi fellow travellers, I finished my BCG induction course 5 weeks ago, and have my cystoscopy next week. Tonight I saw rose blood in my urine. My imagination is in overdrive of course. Has this happened to anyone else on the BCG treatment programme? Any advice? Thanks Leo

  • Hi Leo. I have had a few bleeds and my CNS has just advised plenty of water and to get back to her if it becomes more serious. Hopefully you will get some answers when you get your follow up TURBT. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Rily a day at the hospital today to go to theatre and biopsy the red patch. And diotherm the red patch away. Should hear from histology in a couple of weeks. Jolly nice and super efficient staff working like a well oiled machine.  Discharged home with a catheter. Consultant said it was a distinct possibility that the BCG reacted with the original wound site and effectively prevented it from healing properly. BUT histology will be the acid test. I remain positive. Leo 

  • Hi Leo I didnt know it was today. Hope you are feeling good and will rest and treat yourself like a VIP. It all sounds very optimistic, my fingers are crossed and i hope you hear very soon

    Much love Angela x

  • Hi Leo,Rest up,fingers crossed for a positive result.Love Jane x

  • Cheers Angela and James, I suppose it was TURBT 3 or ended up that way! Thanks for your lovely support it means the world. The consultant did not state definitively the situation, but gave some hintBananafrom his many years of experience, superb man in every way. Visited me 3 times on the ward after the op. Top treatment from a top Banana

  • Hi Leo

    Great to hear that you had such good treatment. Love our NHS Heart️ . Hope you are able to get some rest and look after yourself and fingers crossed for the Histology results.

    Love Ade xx

  • Hi Leo, Sending best wishes for a speedy recovery and I have everything crossed that you get good news soon. Love Lynnx

  • Hi Leo, just read all your posts and that's been a journey these last few, weeks for you, I really hope you feel a bit better now that Turbt is done and it's just that bloody awful wait for results. Try and treat yourself to something nice, look after yourself well. It's pointless to say don't worry because we all worry nearly all the time, but as everyone has said, we are all here with you and can understand your stress. Fingers crossed for a good result, I am sure the hospital will do what is right for you. 

    Chin up for now 

  • Thank so much Bumblebee for your lovely sentiments, so nice.

  • Hi Leo, 

    I hope you’re getting some rest. Hope you get a positive result.
