Blood in Urine 5 weeks after induction

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  • 62 subscribers

Hi fellow travellers, I finished my BCG induction course 5 weeks ago, and have my cystoscopy next week. Tonight I saw rose blood in my urine. My imagination is in overdrive of course. Has this happened to anyone else on the BCG treatment programme? Any advice? Thanks Leo

  • Hi Leo. Not the news you wanted but try not to despair. These things are common and sent to try us. I have had a few of these over the years which turned out to be nothing. Best wishes going forward.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Sorry to hear that Leo, I hope it all turns out ok.

    the not knowing and waiting is a nightmare. 

    wishing you all the very best.


  • So sorry Leo, thinking of you. Jean 

  • Cheers thanks I am pretty down to be honest.

  • We are all here for you mate

    Much love Angela x

  • Leo, I don’t know what you’re going through, but I still check my pee all the time, am I right in thinking that nothing has been confirmed yet? I’m not surprised that you’re feeling down. Nothing I can say will make you feel any better, but I like everyone on here is here for you. 
    do whatever you need to do to get through this.

    thinking of you, 


  • Keep being  positive  Leo we are all rooting for you. Lynn x

  • Morning Leo,

    How are you feeling this morning ?

    Much love Angela x

  • Thanks for Asking Angela. I was very down last night, but a bit better this morning. I have my pre op assessments tomorrow and next Tuesday so thing moving fast, which is good. I was not seen by the consultant yesterday as they were called away at short notice, and after seeing the registrar forgot to touch base with the remaining consultant to have a chat. Stupid of me. I wanted to ask what treatment options they would consider if they find a HG recurrence. To me it would seem unlikely to continue with BCG if a recurrence has appeared so early (it’s on the original tumour site). When I saw the bladder footage on the screen I thought I clearly saw papillary carcinoma dancing like seaweed in the saline.

  • Hi Leo, I am glad you are feeling a little brighter this morning. It is great that things are moving quickly and you will have answers soon. Try not to go to worst case scenario , i know that is easier said than done. Remember that what you think you saw was also in magnification , did the registrar make no comment ? As  always with this rollercoaster of a journey , its not knowing and waiting. It is really hard. 
    we are here for you Leo, 

    Much love Angela x