Its been a bit of a week!!

  • 26 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Hello all you good folk!

So my case was discussed at the MDT meeting last Friday 22nd March and on the same afternoon I had a phone call from the Urology secretary saying I had an urgent appointment on Monday 25th March with the Consultant.  That word "Urgent" un-nerved us all weekend but tried to stay calm. At the appointment I was told that my tumours were G3 pTa but they had seen a suspicious area on the CT scan so wanted to do a second TURBT to check that it hasn't gone any deeper and then start on BCG therapy. They said the surgery would be within 7 weeks. I was really shocked that they were high gradeas after the first TURBT my surgeon said that as there were 2 tumours we were probably looking at an Intermediate diagnosis so I had worked myself up to think that I would just have 6 sessions on chemo then be monitored. When we left the hospital me and my lovely Hubby just felt numb. The following day I had a further communication from the hospital to say that the Histology results had been updated and that the tumours were now G3 T1, then they said that my re-section had been booked for Wednesday 3rd April and the pre-op was Thursday 28th March. But if I wanted to meet with a different consultant to discuss cystectomy then that could be arranged for the week after. My poor brain was in a turmoil,  actually it still is. Ive decided to have the re-section done as I cannot even contemplate having my bladder removed at the moment. I feel that I have to give the BCG a try as long as the next tissue samples don't show that the cancer has reached the muscle.

It's been a lot to take in and I feel that rather than being on a roller coaster that I'm just on  massive downhill slide. I'm doing so much reading about BC just incase I get asked a question that needs an immediate answer, I've got a permanent headache and struggling to sleep.Just hoping that the next tissue samples from the re-section are negative for cancer cells on the Histology report so I can get started on BCG.

Phew!! Sorry for all that but I do feel a bit better now.

Wish me luck for Wednesday. 

Take care everyone .

Ade xx

  • Hi Ade,

    It's a rollercoaster of emotions isn't it and I'm sorry to hear the anxiety it's creating for you, which is to be expected of course.

    Having two TURBTS is very common, I had two and I've read on here that many people have the same. I don't know why they just didn't say at the beginning that we.will probably have two TURBTS. 

    I know this is hard to believe now, but I Found it easier to comprehend when you get a treatment plan in place. Obviously everyone is different, but I've been reading these forum's for a  little while and regularly see people who are starting out become more relaxed as time goes on. Myself included.

    I'm not saying the journey or processes are easy, but I found mentally I coped better.

    In the beginning I was also recommended to discuss with another surgeon about bladder removal, but I didn't.

    If it's any encouragement I was diagnosed with G3 pta, had my second TURBT in February 2023, started BCG and my last biopsy cane back clear. I consider myself lucky so far.

    Best of luck for Wednesday.

    Kindest Regards


  • Sorry I should have said my last biopsy was on 8th March.

    If you click on my profile you can see my journey so far and many poster's do keep this updated also.

    Best of luck again.


  • Hi Ade,It is all a lot to take in at the start.If you can take it one step at a time it will help.People do tend to feel a lot better once  they know what treatment they will be having.As tempting as it is to read everything your brain can easily get overloaded.The first piece of advice I got on here was stay off Google.Good luck on Wednesday and keep posting.Everyone is here to help and offer support.Love Jane xx

  • Hi Trevor,

    I think that part of the anxiety comes from the speed at which things are moving. My second TURBT is exactly 4 weeks from the first. And although I'm happy that it's so quick it's also put my poor little brain into a spin! I'm sure I'll be OK once the BCG starts. Hopefully then we as a family can start to have a bit more normality in our lives as this BC seems to dominate our lives at the moment.

    Thank you for your support. It is really good to be able to talk to others who have been, and are going through the same thing as me.

    Take care.

    Ade xx

  • Hi Jane

    As I've just replied to Trevor, it's all happening so fast I can barely keep up.  I also know that our wonderful NHS is working at its finest for me, but you cant help but be worried can you? I'm taking your advice and not going on Google. I'm only reading from reputable sites and published papers.

    I'll just try to focus on Wednesday now and hope that the repeat tissue samples from the original sites are negative.

    Thank you for all your support.

    Take care.

    Ade xx

  • The second look is standard with G3, to ensure that offering BCG is appropriate. When I was at that point, I felt very much the same, hope I can have BCG. In the end, after mulling it all over, I actually chose surgery instead. Do be sure to ask all the pros & cons, risks & benefits, likelihood of cure etc if you are given a choice. Best wishes.

  • Hi Teasswill

    I've just read your profile and journey. It's very heartening to read how well you coped and are coping with the surgery. Made me reassure myself that there is life without a bladder if I do need to go down that route. Maybe after this next TURBT I do need to sit down with a medic to go through all the options for surgery.

    Thanks for taking the time to reply to me. It's very much appreciated. 

    Take care.

    Ade xx

  • Hi Ade,I understand about the speed as this happened to me.It was just over 2 months from diagnosis to bladder removal.I remember my surgeon saying expect a flurry of appointment letters and he was right.Love Jane x

  • Hi Ade, 

    The speed things happen surprised me also. I found it very hard to take in.

    Thankfully my wife came with me on the consultations etc. Being a bloke I buried my head in the sand a bit.

    I then found this forum and reading other people's experiences definitely helped me get my head around it a lot more. I'm even more relaxed about the thought of bladder removal, just from reading the experiences first hand from others on here.

    Because reading other people's experiences helped me I do tend to reply with my experience so far, but I do tend to waffle to much when I reply lol... (Sorry)

    Again best of luck with Wednesday and have a lovely Easter break.


  • Hi Trevor,My sister went in with me and asked questions and between us we took in the  relevant information.Another pair of ears is always helpful.I took a small notebook so I could jot down the answers and asked for copies of hospital letters.Jane x