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Evening all not posted in a while had a few weeks away from it all (well kind of).Just started BCG first one last wednesday. Been fine except flu like symptoms and tired. Get that these are to be expected side effects and the whole show could have been a lot worse. Anyone any experience of it being like this for the whole week or is it likely to ease before the next one. Have taken 6 weeks off work so would like to enjoy some of it rather than flat out drinking a gallon of tap water a day. X 

  • I am sure others will contribute their experiences, but I get flu like symptoms for a couple of days, and a lingering fatigue that lasts a bit longer. Also featuring: burning bladder and pain when peeing.Headache. Aching joints. Itchy eye sometimes.Greater urgency and frequency. But it’s all worth it if it works. My next treatment is number six. All worth it if it overcomes the cancer, of course. Good luck and stay positive. Leo

    • Many thanks yeah getting all of that to an extent except bladder issues but time for that to announce itself I expect. Yeah not unbearable by any means looks like feet up for a few weeks damn was really looking forward to that decorating Cry. Tee hee
  • Hi Andy,

    Good to hear you've started your BCG course, but sorry to hear about your problems.

    I've had flu like symptoms only once, I was shivering in bed and I sometimes have a headache.

    I definitely get fatigue, mainly because the amount of times I have to get up in the night to wee. The worst part for me is the bladder pain and urgency for about 24 hours.

    Normally I'm ok after the 24 hours or so. 

    However since my last BCG in January this year I've had some discomfort in the bladder. It's a bit inflamed. I had my biopsy beginning of March and the surgeon pointed out it's inflammation caused by the BCG and not an infection (I've had 12 instillations so far).

    Reading other people's experiences on here it does seem the effects are different for each person, with different degrees of discomfort.

    I hope your side affects lesson up soon so you can get some fun time in.

    One last thing hopefully some encouragement, through all this discomfort my latest biopsy came back all clear so it's working. I do consider myself lucky so can't really grumble overall. 


  • Nice Try Andy Grinning I have been managing some decorating 2 to 3 days a week, all be it at half speed to less. Grinning

  • My first three BCGs last October caused fatigue and some discomfort but it was manageable. I became very fatigued with the latter three for the whole week and with other flu like symptoms. I concluded the first six treatments in November. I really didn’t fully recover until late January but this was complicated by a very bad cold virus. I am experiencing much more burning in the bladder and urethra and urgency with the maintenance BCG started a couple of weeks ago, which lasts all week. I am thankful there will be only three of these treatments. I think my experience is consistent with the other fellows here. Prepare yourself for these symptoms and be pleasantly surprised if you can dodge at least some of them.

  • Hey Andy, I had my treatments on a Wednesday and was really out of action until Saturdays.  Flu type each time and fatigue, then the urinary symptoms got worse the more I had.  Carried on working at home but was really a case of the lights are on but no one is in Rofl

    Just finished treatment, 18 bcg over a year, currently clear and on to 3 month checks so keep going, there is light at the end of the tunnel! 

  • Thanks all greatly appreciated. Sounds like I'm par for the course so will dig and stand by. Worth the short term issues in the long run. Thanks 

  • Hi Andy,

       Had the last of my 6 induction bcg's just before Christmas . I got the flu like symptoms and was very fatigued for a couple of days after but that was mostly OK . The urgency and frequency abated a bit as well .

       Thinking I got off quite lightly but start my next three tomorrow morning so hopefully be the same .

    Good luck and stay positive Slight smile

  • First 6 BCG, I had flu like symptoms which knocked me out for 3-4 days, but no such reaction to number 6, 7,8 and 9.