Diagnosis Limbo..

  • 9 replies
  • 54 subscribers

Hello everyone,

I'm new here (58y F) as I have been whipped down the 2 week referral pathway after I went back to my doctor 2 weeks ago with what I thought was a mild but stubborn UTI which I've been symptomatic with since December.  My GP found blood in my urine with a dipstick test and referred me for investigations, I had an appointment with a Urologist for a cystoscopy on Monday and a CT scan yesterday.  There was an obvious growth visible on the screen with finger like protrusions on my bladder wall and I got a call that night to get back in for a CT scan. The Urologist was vague with me when I asked him what he thought it could be, but it looks like the majority of bladder growths are bad news so I'm bracing myself for the diagnosis.

So my question is this; how did you receive your diagnosis and how long did it take for you to receive it? I've been told to expect a call if the results are not good or a letter with a follow up appointment if it's less serious. I'm under E & N Hertfordshire Trust, I'd really appreciate you sharing your experiences as this is quite stressful to say the least!


Grace x

  • Hi  and welcome to the group although sorry you find yourself here. We know how scary a diagnosis can be but be aware bladder cancer can be treated successfully. If something has been identified on a cystoscopy, the usual next step would be a TURBT (trans urethral resection of bladder tumour) procedure to remove the growths. A fairly straightforward op usually done in day surgery. Biopsies will be taken to confirm if cancer or not and then the results determine the next step. Many of us have been through this so feel free to ask any questions. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Good Evening Grace 

    I have very recently been through a very similar experience in early February I was found to have a finger like growth (papillary tumour )in the lining of my Bladder also know as a none invasive tumour I had a CT urogram a few days later then I had TURBT on the 1st of March I am currently now waiting for my follow up appointment to re arranged as they’ve just had to cancel the one organised for next week at this appointment I will probably find out what I’m at on things and whether more treatment is needed or not at this moment as Rily has said BC can be treated successfully and managed with follow up and surveillance appointments 

    All the Best Ste 

  • Had blood in my pee, saw the doctor quickly, who said she thought cancer was a possibility. Saw consultant two weeks later for cystoscopy, they saw a tumour. Had ultrasound, then CT scan. Two weeks later had TURBT to remove tumour and stage it, it was G3PT1. A few weeks after that I had another TUTBT , some more tumour was removed, G2PT1, and non-muscle invasive. Commenced BGG treatment 2 weeks 5 days after that. Conversation with consultant and MDT team was over the phone. Medical and nursing staff have been excellent. Hope this helps, Leo

  • Hi rily,

    Thanks for your reply and for the reassurance, it’s appreciated x

  • Hi Leo,

    Thanks for taking the time to reply, and sharing your experience, it’s greatly appreciated. Over and above whether I’m about to receive bad news or not, I’m so impressed with how quickly I’m being moved down the diagnosis and treatment pathway. God bless the NHS and all who work in her! Wishing you all the best for good outcomes in the future x 

  • It’s great isn’t it the MHS machine, we need to protect and nourish it. Keep the faith, you will be looked after. Leo

  • Hi Ste,

    Thanks for sharing your experience so far, it’s really appreciated. Wishing you all the best for good outcomes in the near future. x 

  • I was referred for a suspect gynae problem with turned out to be BC - hosp was brilliant and gynae consult arranged for cysto same day. The diagnosis of BC was given by CNS after cysto, was given a booklet & booked for TURBT. (TURBT should be your next step, for growths to be removed & biopsied.) 

    At TURBT, surgeon said I'd get a report letter, but in fact was called in for an appt. Try not to think about it being good or bad news - it will be information, which will determine what treatment (if any) that you need. BC is very treatable if caught early. The waiting is possibly the worst part of the process. Once you know what you're dealing with and have a plan of action, you have  a better idea where you're heading. Hope all goes well for you.

  • Hi Grace,Welcome to our friendly group.I was diagnosed following cystoscopy and TURBTS after difficulty in passing urine and weight loss.I hope you find it helpful here.Jane x