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  • 55 subscribers

I posted on here a few days ago about a biopsy I am due to have. I thought the lesions they have found were in the neck of my bladder but turns out they are at the opening of my urethra. I know I shouldn't google but I have done and now I'm really scared. The prognosis for urethral cancer is not good. I know I'm jumping the gun so to speak as I haven't had my biopsy yet. I cannot find any forums on cancer of the urethra. Does anyone know anything about this kind of cancer?  I have a date for my biopsy which is the 7th February. I was told it just a biopsy and not a TURBT. I am so worried but am putting on a brave face for my family. 

  • Hi Sue. It's always hard to predict how things will turn out. I think they have only had a visual inspection so far and until you have had your procedure you will not know. Try and keep off Google. There is a lot of misinformation out there. Whatever it turns out to be they will have a plan for you. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Thank you so much for your reply Rily. It means a lot. 


  • Hi SueB4,It is scary at the start but we will are all here for help and support.Once you have the results and a treatment plan it’s easier to cope with,the waiting is horrible though.Try to stay off Google and find something to occupy your time while you wait as that will help.Sending a hug.Love Jane x

  • sorry that should say we will all be here.It won’t let me edit 

  • Thank you so much Jane. I joined this forum as i do feel quite alone with it a the moment. There are a lot of caring people on this forum who have been exactly where I am now and it does give me comfort to read your shared experiences. I was diagnosed with bowel cancer 20 years ago and just seemed to take everything in my stride. As you say the waiting is awful but I'm sure I'll feel better mentally once I've had the biopsy and know where I stand.

    love SueB4