Next steps. .

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  • 62 subscribers

I've now been booked in for a bladder procedure, 7:30 am on the 19th December, with my pre-assessment being on Wednesday 14th December.

Consultant mentioned a washout and look see tho I did not get a letter from that Consultant regarding my appointment with him. So not really sure what they are going to do. I do know that they are to give me a general anaesthetic.

I had a TURBT on 18th October where they removed bladder cancer (T1, G3) but they could not remove all the ureteral cancer. (Two weeks after the December 19th procedure I am due to have right kidney and associated ureter removed.)

Feeling very shaky. If they find that cancer has returned to bladder they will press for a bladder removal as well. It's a lot to lose in one go!

  • Hi  . A follow up TURBT is fairly standard and not usually as severe as the first. It is more of a check and mopping up operation to make sure nothing has been missed. They take some sample biopsies which give them a more accurate diagnosis in order to determine the next step. The bladder wash, usually mitomycin, is to clear any rogue cell floating around. I hope all goes well. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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