Anyone having CAPOX or FOLFOX..?

  • 1 reply
  • 9 subscribers

So my cc was discovered three years ago, I received capacitabine and was NED at the end of treatment. Unfortunately at the beginning of this year it had returned and I’m now on Gem/Cis. I’ve just passed my halfway marker but am often having to skip the Gemcitabine part of my treatment as it is affecting the levels in my liver too much. 
I guess my question is at the end of this treatment do you think I’ll just roll into another treatment? Doctor has mentioned possibly trying CAPOX and I’ve read others on FOLFOX. Not sure how it works if it’s likely to be rolling courses of chemo or is it more likely to finish this treatment and break for a while?

I know we are all different and treatments vary but anyone’s experiences or opinions are welcomed. 

many thanks


  • Hi . I just dropped in and noticed you've not had a reply as yet.

    My cancer is different to yours so I can't advise on treatment but have you thought about rephrasing your question to something like "Anyone treated with CAPOX or FOLFOX?" Then, hopefully someone will come along and reply. 

    You could also Ask a Nurse - just click on the link I've created - for advice but you may need to wait a couple of days for a reply.

    All the best, B xx

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