Finished the Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy Tablets

  • 13 replies
  • 55 subscribers


I just wanted to say that I finished the treatment yesterday , wow what a journey it has been. Trying to rest as much as possible as it’s been exhausting, everyday getting to the hospital and back . I am so pleased that I managed to drive for 25 days though .

Main side effects fatigue and pain/ soreness  is really bad and my bowel movements excruciating, I have all the creams and dressings , feel rather uncomfortable when use the dressing. I am trying to avoid anything stronger that co-codamol/ instagel as I don’t tolerate them very well. Making full use of the stiz bath . 

I have been greatly helped reading the experiences others have had and am praying next couple weeks will see improvement in the skin conditions.

4-6 weeks to wait for the follow up appointment, then the pet ct and mri scans due in 3 months . I am trying to just take one day at a time and find comfort reading your success posts.

Thank you 

  • Thank you Irene

    just had the stronger pain meds prescribed today as having lots today. Got oxycodone to try .


  • Hi AsLu24 if you are having the standard six week’s chemo radiotherapy I don’t think many of heard lose all their head hair. I have quite fine hair and did lose some but I noticed more because I have very fine hair and some people who have thicker hair do not notice too much. You do lose your body hair especially around the genitalia. I hope all goes well with your starting treatment 


  • Just remember to take stool softeners - Laxido - alongside the oxycodone.  Opioid painkillers cause constipation and you really don't want that right now.

    I hope the stronger meds help.
