Newly diagnosed

  • 10 replies
  • 66 subscribers

Hi All, on 6th Feb I was diagnosed with Advanced Anal Cancer which has spread to my vaginal and a suspected spot in my liver and created a Recto Vaginal Fistula. I am waiting for biopsy results and then for them to have an MDT and then decide on treatment options. 
has anyone else had this as the consultant has said it’s complex ? I am so scared x

  • Hi Brandysnap15

    I'm sorry about your diagnosis. I can't help in relation to your question, but wanted to say hi and welcome to the forum it's a good group of people. They will be here for you. Feeling scared is a normal reaction we've all been there but when all your tests are done and results in and you have a treatment plan you will feel more in control. Try to keep busy with stuff you enjoy easier said than done I know. Sending hugs. Xx

  • Hello  

    I can appreciate your anxiety, which is completely normal - you've found yourself in a very daunting situation - and the wait for tests and results is just hideous, let's face it. 

    My cancer was just the tumor in my butt and my pelvic and vaginal lymph nodes.  They did say they saw spots on my liver, but they turned out to be nothing to worry about and apparently that's pretty common.   I've now finished treatment, like many others in this group I followed the 28 days of chemotherapy and radiotherapy over five and half weeks.  It will be another 5 months until I know if I'm cancer free or if it's moving on to plan b.  But in the meantime, 3 weeks after finishing treatment, I've just got back from an hour's walk with my hubby and dog, and I'm embracing life once more.

    It feels like a distant memory of being in the void - waiting to hear if the cancer had spread and what the treatment plan would be and when we were going to get started.  My advice would be to be kind to yourself - to stay clear of Dr Google and focus instead of writing down any questions you might have. 

    This community is amazing - it got me through every stage from diagnosis, to completing treatment and to healing.  So use us, share with us. 

    Take care and keep us posted. 


    Ali x

  • Dear Brandysnap, you have come to the right place. We are all here for each other.

    Waiting for results is a stressful time but you will feel more in control when you have your treatment plan. I have no experience of a recto-vaginal fistula but hopefully someone else here will address your concerns.

    When you have your MDT meeting, do take a friend or family member with you, plus a list of questions to ask.  You mention your consultant said that yours is a complex case- I’m wondering if he is an oncologist that specialises in your condition? Do ask! Also, some cancer patients are treated in general hospitals with an oncology department while others go to a dedicated cancer hospital, so do ask at the MDT meeting.

    Mrs Badass and others have mentioned on this forum that spots on the liver often turn out to be nothing at all.

    Let us know how you are getting on.

    Big hugs.


  • Hi Brandysnap15

    I’m so sorry to hear your news. I was diagnosed with anal cancer on the 15th of January and have just finished having all my scans. I was so scared, and my first thought was, "How do I tell the kids?"

    I've now been given a date to start my treatment on the 18th of February. I was also asked to go back in for another MRI on my liver as they saw something, but it was later confirmed that it was benign cysts (apparently, this is quite common).

    Now that I have my treatment plan and a starting date, I feel more in control and can actually switch off and forget I have cancer for a while!

    I also found even saying that I have anal cancer to family and friends was really difficult for me to do as the word “anal” just sounds dirty to me (goodness knows why, we all have one!). But since joining this wonderful group, I feel I can ask any questions, and there is lots of fantastic, useful information available. I know it’s going to be a very difficult few months ahead, but since telling my family and friends, I now feel very supported, and I know I’ll find the strength to get through this.

    Good luck, and I really hope you get the help and support you need.


  • Hi  ,

    Another warm welcome from me to the MacMillan Online  Community although I’m so sorry to hear of your recent diagnosis. 

    I don’t have personal experience of your particular situation but hopefully someone that has had a similar diagnosis to yourself will see your post & be able to offer some advice.

    It’s not much comfort but feeling scared is completely normal, the majority of us have been there & felt the emotions you’re dealing with right now, it’s a truly awful feeling. Try & draw some comfort & strength from the fact that we’ve been through different stages of this diagnosis & the subsequent treatment & we’re here to tell the tale. 

    We’re here to support you however we can. 


  • Hi Brandysnap15,

    like the other lovely people here I also want to say a warm welcome to the forum although I’m sorry about your diagnosis and that you’ve had to join us.

    The early days following diagnosis are a rollercoaster of emotions and fears so I’m glad you have found us. There is so much helpful information here and it’s also a safe space if you just need to let it all out.

    I had markings on the liver which turned out to be benign cysts so obviously hoping that this will be the case for you too. 
    I hope you get your treatment options very soon as the waiting is the worst. 

    Virtual hug to you x

  • Hello Brandysnap15

    I know you would rather not have to be on this forum but here you are truly amongst people who have been in the place where you are right now and some of whom are still going through treatment.  I am sorry I don't have any experience of your case but we have a lot of people on the forum who don't normally post and I am hoping that there is someone who has had similar and who will pick up on your post.

    The early days are hugely stressful and terrifying and the waiting around is almost unbearable.  But you are already aware that there is always a delay whilst they gather all the information and discuss the best course of treatment for you but it doesn't make the waiting any easier, I know.

    There is almost always someone checking in here so please come here for virtual hugs and comfort; no matter how long ago their treatment ended the forum users as a whole have huge empathy for any newcomer going through the turmoil of the diagnosis and the accompanying uncertainty.

    And a big hug from me right now.

    Irene xx

  • Thanks sorry I have been feeling a little poorly and low the last few days hence the delay in response but now seem to be getting a little better. Waiting is definitely the hardest part as I just need to know what I am dealing with and what the plan is. Also had a few days of work which stresses me out as they are not the most understanding company and I lose pay which adds a financial stresser onto the whole situation but I know I have to be somewhat selfish at the minute and look after me x

  • Hi Brandysnap15,              

     Im not at all surprised you aren’t feeling great with the psychological effect of the diagnosis, the physical symptoms and the as yet unknown treatment plan. You really are in the hardest place right now. You are absolutely right that you have to put yourself first at the moment. That is not remotely selfish and please be kind to yourself.                                                        I hope that your employer will be supportive and use some discretion over your sick pay.

     I do hope you hear from your team soon x

  • Speak to McMillan they will give you help with money worries and put you on the right path for help with work matter etc while fighting cancer.  They were absolutely brilliant, just a phone call or visit McMillan in the hospital if they’re at yours. They know what their talking about have had many years of experience Hibiscus