New to the forum today.

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  • 65 subscribers

Hello new to the chat forums as recently have been reading your posts on the forums for a couple of weeks now and only just found the courage to sign up as I found so much support being given to everyone on here , I thought this would definitely help me on this journey.

I am on day 18 of chemo/radiotherapy for anal cancer. I was diagnosed in March this year after a surgery on what was thought to be a haemorrhoid. Very lucky to have it diagnosed at early stages . I am trying my best to keep positive as you have documented that the treatment can be quite harsh and I have now started to suffer from painful skin area from the pelvic radiotherapy and looks like the fatigue is beginning to kick in now. 
I wish everyone that is in my position a smooth and successful treatment path. 

thank you 

  • Nice to have you here hope you get some comfort through this 

  • Hi ,

    pleased you over 1/2 way minty 

    im on day 14 , just seen my oncologist who has prescribed some cream for my nether regions !!! I’ve had a myriad of side effects , some probably down to anxiety and some to the condition itself .. 

    im catching up with life on the good  days , resting on the bad ones and taking the experiences and support of these lovely people to help me through ,

    hope all goes well 

    Chrissie xx

    • Welcome I hope you get some answers here and I hope all goes well for you will keep my fingers crossed for you to have a very speedy recovery x
  • Hi Minty, welcome to our corner. The treatment is a bit of a bummer and we all react differently where some don’t suffer as much as others and they are the ones who don’t feel the need to come on here and talk about it. So glad they found the cancer early and you are on the path to recovery. Keep your treatment team close and informed about your skin reactions. Some hospitals have skin specialists when having radiation therapy and prescribe the appropriate creams. I hope you have the famous sitz bath to help you soothe that soreness. I am near three years post treatment and living pretty much a normal life with the odd blip from bowel issues. This happens less and less. Once your treatment finishes you can concentrate on your recovery 


  • Hello Minty2

    It's great to have you on the forum, and here you are with only eight days to go!  The relief when one no longer has the daily trek to the hospital is overwhelming, and although things can be really quite painful in your nether regions, it peaks a couple of weeks after treatment and most people see a dramatic improvement daily.  All the scans, biopsies and treatment will be behind you and you can look forward to life getting back to normal - sometimes a new normal but wonderful, none-the-less.

    Hopefully you have a support network in place to help you during the next few weeks.  I found the fatigue overwhelming but was fortunate in that it really didn't matter how long I spent in bed, and I was much more comfortable lying down than trying to sit.  I ate what I could as my appetite, or food that appealed changed drastically during treatment so lived on grilled cheese, mustard and finely chopped onion on toast - every night!

    Be sure to tell your team if you need help with creams, dressings or painkillers, they normally prescribe the same day so please don't suffer in silence.

    And keep counting off those days.

    Irene xx

  • Hello Chrissie 

    Thank you for message, it’s certainly a journey not for the faint hearted . I wish you all the best for the remaining treatments and like you I’m resting when needed, coping as well as can but the skin issues are extremely uncomfortable. I am armed with Flamigel and Hydro gel to help. I have a very supportive hubby who is a dab hand at cleaning and making copious cups of decaff . 
    Last one today and weekend off the chemotherapy tablets .

    Hope you get a restful weekend too.
    M x

  • Thank you for message Julie

    As I said to Chrissie it’s certainly a journey not for the faint hearted and wonderful  to hear you are doing well nearly 3 years after your treatment, very reassuring to hear.

    I’m resting when needed, coping as well as can but the skin issues are extremely uncomfortable. I am armed with Flamigel and Hydro gel to help and I have the site bath too . I have a great medical team and a very supportive hubby who is a dab hand at cleaning and making copious cups of decaff . 
    Last one today and weekend off the chemotherapy tablets .

    Thank you again for your kind words.


  • You have done so well !!

    thanks for the encouragement , yes a weekend off .. everyone around me has a cold !!! So taking an Uber to hospital today , on my own .. feel quite vulnerable but it puts life into perspective and so many people in the world have felt like this on a daily basis 

    take care 

    Chrissie xx

  • Hello Irene

    Many thanks for your message and words of support, I have the cream supplies  and a very supportive network . The oncology team and radiology teams are so caring and supportive. 

    My appetite is still in tact but I have been craving more savoury foods, this is strange. My daughter thinks it’s my medication that could be altering my taste buds.

    The daily trips to the hospital certainly take its toll , stress of parking etc , last one of the week today weekend off . 

    I hope you are on the other side of your journey now and returning to some normality?

    Best wishes 

    H x

  • Thank you very much x