Feeling nausea

  • 8 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hi lovely people.

I started my treatment yesterday..

Chemo first then radiotherapy. 

I then took my 3 chemo tablets last and started to feel really sick..

This morning I have taken another 3 chemo tablets and a nausea tablet.. 

Is it normal to feel sick this quick ?

Ps.. the first day was ok, not as bad as I thought so for anyone starting today try not to worry all the staff are wonderful and you will be treat wonderful.

  • Hi  ,

    Firstly it’s great that you’ve got that first day under your belt, you know what to expect now & you’ll start to relax a bit I’m sure. The nausea will be more than likely to do with the mitomycin infusion you had earlier in the day. I was given anti-sickness pills prior to that infusion & told to take them daily, once I finished the first prescription my oncologists asked if I had any nausea to which I replied no & he said I probably wouldn’t need any more, he was right I didn’t have to take them after that as the oral chemo didn’t cause me any issues other than a bit of hair thinning which only I noticed. Now this was just my experience & others have needed to take the daily anti-sickness medication throughout so I would keep taking them regularly for now. Also if you find the nausea persists even with the medication ask if you can be prescribed a different kind as there’s loads of different ones out there that you can try until you find one that works for you. 

    Hope day 2 goes smoothly for you & you're feeling a bit better today. 


  • Yay   Day one done!!! 

    I felt terrible for a couple of days and I still take an anti-nausea tablet with my morning chemo as when I don't I get car sickness on route to hospital.  So see how you go - I put some anti-nausea tablets in my hospital bag, which also contains:

    • Water wipes 
    • Change of trousers (just in case)
    • Spare knickers 
    • Tenna ladies 
    • Jelly babies 
    • Instagel (got given that at week 2 and used it until end of week 4)

    Hope you start to feel more yourself soon - the nausea is no fun whatsoever.

    Ali x

  • Thank you..

    Think I will pack a bag also as it a 60 min journey each way..as you say just in case x


  • Hello Squeak

    What is really important is to tell your treating team if there are any symptoms that you are finding difficult and nausea is up there with one of the worst.  Hopefully it was due to your first infusion but if it continues please speak to them.

    I am so pleased that your first day wasn't the ordeal you thought it would be, the staff are really the NHS at its very best!

    Irene xx

  • Also   Get yourself a memory foam donut if you haven't already for the car journeys - I leave mine in the car and I've used it from the get go!  

    And if the anti-nausea tablets you've been given don't help do talk to your treatment team as they'll have other options for you.  

    Good luck for today


  • I'm looking now for those memory foam donuts as I think you mentioned in another post..

    I will definitely keep an eye on the sickness and tell the team if it doesn't improve..



  • Hi Squeak

    Its brilliant youve started your treatment, one step closer to the end. The sick feeling is probably from the mitomycin like Nikki65 said, I felt sick from that for the first 5 days. When I had my second round of chemo with no mitomycin I was fine. Hopefully it will be the same for you. Xx

  • Hi,

    Well done on getting started. I found the one dose of Mitomycin they gave at the start made me feel a bit sick, but once that had passed the chemo tablets were not too bad. Keep taking the anti-nausea pills anyway.

    All the best x