Aching legs, post treatment

  • 26 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hi, I wondered if anyone else had experienced achy legs/arms (mainly legs). I’m 8 weeks post treatment (chemoradiation) and have been suffering for last few weeks. Seems to get worse in the afternoon/evening which affects my sleep. 

Never suffered when I was having treatment with aches but just post treatment stage  

I mentioned it to my consultant couple of weeks ago when I had a check up and he said it was chemo related and should subside. They don’t seem to be getting any better! TIA xx

  • Hi Georgie .

    This is the card I received.  Maybe can ring helpline and ask them to send you one.


  • Hi, yes I was given a ‘green card’ from Macmillan. I would have used it the other day but when I had an urgent need I was at the checkout. To be honest I was more embarrassed and just needed to get home to sort myself out. 

    Everyone on here would understand but large majority of public would just think it was gross!

    I feel like my life is led around my bowel movements. Hoping it gets better!

  • Hi Nikki

    I know exactly what you mean , each day is a challenge to get out and back without the need to ask to use the loo or have any accidents. It does dominate what I plan to do too . Like you I hope it settles down soon  it's 10 weeks post treatment and my cancer nurse keeps saying "it's still early days" 


  • Hi Minty2,

    Absolutely, I just feel like I can’t even plan to do things as I don’t know how my stomach/bowels will be. So frustrating. I’m 12 weeks post recovery and being told ‘early days’ but it honestly feels like it’s been forever. 

    I’ve had to get pain relief for my legs now as they are so painful, just don’t seem to be getting better. 

    It’s just rubbish isn’t it?!

    One day at a time I guess xx 

  • It is Nikki, but if the treatment has rid us of the cancer we will hopefully recover soon 

    Take care xx