Aching legs, post treatment

  • 26 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hi, I wondered if anyone else had experienced achy legs/arms (mainly legs). I’m 8 weeks post treatment (chemoradiation) and have been suffering for last few weeks. Seems to get worse in the afternoon/evening which affects my sleep. 

Never suffered when I was having treatment with aches but just post treatment stage  

I mentioned it to my consultant couple of weeks ago when I had a check up and he said it was chemo related and should subside. They don’t seem to be getting any better! TIA xx

  • Hi Nikki2024 I have just read your post and I know it’s early weeks but your body has gone through it. Admittedly I didn’t really suffer too much with pains in the legs but did suffer fatigue. Our pelvic floor gets really stiff and we need to get it mobile again. I consistently did these exercises every day and three times a day during my treatment. Lay down a bring one knee to the chest and hug for 30 seconds then alternate. Then put the outer side of one foot on the opposite thigh and bring to the chest and hold for 30 seconds. Alternating then bring the flat of your feet together and hold these to your chest as much as you can and this may be very difficult if you are not so flexible but it gets better in time for 30 seconds. The next is hold each foot and spread eagle them outwards and this is fantastic for the vaginal walls and keeps everything flexible. I could almost feel my internal pelvis opening. After this I squat which helps flexibility. Remember that treatment can allow our muscles to tighten and this body of mine has got to last me much longer I hope. I might be one of the lucky ones but I wake up totally pain free and try to stretch safely as I’m told I have osteoporosis due to treatment therefore including weights to help strengthen my muscles. Walking is really good for us but it’s not enough to stretch every thing. Yoga is very good for that but only do safe movement for you.


  • Thanks Julie, I will give this a try. Appreciate your advice. Best Wishes, Nikki x

  • Hi Nikki

    Hope things are bit better for you today?

    I too have not posted in a while but I can relate to your post. I too am struggling with joint and low back pain at times can hardly walk my joints are so stiff . I have always been a keen walker and this is not something I expected .  It is nine weeks since my last treatment and can’t believe these side effects swinging from fatigue, bowel issues and the joint pains, Today has been really bad but we are still grateful for the treatment to cure Fingers crossed this cancer . I have date for my follow up MRI in 3 weeks , nervous but remain positive. 

    Take care big hugs 

  • Hi, sounds very similar to what I’m going through. I’m actually 3-months (calendar) today from end of treatment. I had my CT yesterday and have my MRI on Saturday with results in the 10th so feeling quite anxious atm. 

    I’ve always been a keen walker too but some days I struggle to go upstairs due to the pain in my legs. I was hoping for improvement by now but nope. Only relief I have is oramorph which I take at night to help with sleep (trying not to take it any more than that). Gift that just keeps on giving !

    Fatigue is getting slightly better but bowel movements are dreadful. Still have bad days with fatigue and no energy, had to give in yesterday and go to bed. I was caught out yesterday with bowels when I went shopping, thankfully got myself home with no one noticing. I do wonder if it’ll ever be ‘normal’. 

    Best wishes for your scans and ongoing recovery, Nikki x

  • Hi Minty and Nicki , 

    its 9 weeks post for me and can relate to the aches , still painful bowels , fatigue and nausea !! I have a plane to catch on Saturday and determined to get there !!! 
    I’ve been told 6 months before any scans … 

    take care both of you and hopefully things will improve 

    Chrissie xx

  • Thanks Chrissie

    i hope you get the plane and enjoy your trip and things don’t interfere with your enjoyment x

  • Thanks Nikki 

    we wouldn’t believe the ongoing side effects if we weren’t all experiencing them even , at least we all have the support of the group x

  • Hi Nikki,

    Sorry to hear you are still struggling and hope it passes soon. I don't know if it'll help but I think we are eligible for a card which allows us access to toilets which are not public - I don't have one but I always kept it in mind. Maybe someone else here can tell me.

  • That is correct , I was given one in my MacMillan pack , I’m sure you could contact them to send you one x

  • I didn’t receive anything in my pack but recently ordered a radar key from here:

    and if you go on this website you can download a “Just Can’t Wait” digital card:

    Is this the same as what was in the MacMillan pack  ?