Blood Again

  • 9 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hi everyone,

After getting my all clear a couple of weeks ago I’ve just been to the toilet and had blood again. I’m trying not to freak out and will give my team a ring on Monday but is this something anyone else has experienced?

I’m hoping it’s just because I strained a bit and my bottom definitely felt sore during and afterwards, like maybe a tear or something.  My tumour was really high up (near the rectum) so I’m hoping it’s just maybe some damage to the internal skin from bigger/harder poop.

  • Hey Georgie would you believe I had exactly this the morning before going into see my consultant for my results! But I had been quite constipated and then think cos I was so nervous had a really big poo FlushedFlushed and there was blood when I wiped. Told the consultant n he said there was def nothing there. I know I need to drink more water. I’ve been fine since n no sign of blood so try not to worry. You’re right to check though xx

  • How weird?! Yes, I don’t think I’ve drunk enough the last couple of days. Just shows that we’ve got to really keep on top of looking after ourselves I guess! Xx

  • Morning Georgie please don’t worry too much. You are still going to be pretty inflamed down there and stool motions and size etc can still cause occasional bleeding. When it happens to me the first thing they ask is what colour is it. If it’s bright red then probably a very slight tear from your radiotherapised skin. Always let your team know anyway. The diet should include foods that help bulk stools without making them hard and also foods that don’t act as a laxative. Swings and roundabouts really. It can help to just lubricant around that area with a little Vaseline to help prevent fissures which are painful little blighters!


  • Hi  ,

    This happened to me on quite a regular basis early on in my recovery, generally following a difficult bowel movement. I mentioned it each time at my follow up appointments & my oncologist & surgeon we’re both of the same opinion that it was either a minor fissure or down to the delicacy of the skin that had been affected by the radiotherapy & it was possibly splitting when I struggled a bit to go to the loo. Try not to worry too much although I completely understand how alarming the sight of blood can be.


  • Hi Georgie

    I am another one who had regular shows of blood, especially after straining or passing a hard stool.  Of course always mention it at your check up but the majority of us have this as a harmless side effect after treatment (unfortunately, especially when we are all so worried that it might be something else).

    I hope you get the reassurance

    Irene xx

  • Hi Georgie , 

    I haven’t had the bleeding but massive pain after going to the loo , like I’ve strained too much … I don’t know yet if my treatment has worked but paranoid I can still feel a lump … this maybe , like you said , due to the passing of your stools .. I was told bleeding was quite normal after what our bodies been through 

    take care 

    Chrissie xx

  • I spoke to the colorectal nurse and she agreed that it sounded like “trauma” and was nothing to worry about.

    Thanks for all the replies 

  • Hello  

    I’m 3 years post treatment and still regularly have blood so try not to worry. It’s often just changes to your skin internally and externally that makes it weaker and more prone to bleeding but if you’re worried always ask your team to check. I’m just learning to live with it and understand it is part of my new norm. Xx 

  • Hi Georgie6775

    I have had something similar in the past few months every now and then, a small amount of bright red blood on the first wipe.

    Once in the pan after I'd inserted a suppository as I'd been constipated. I know there are days when I don't have enough water but I try to eat plenty of vegetables and fruit. 

    Speak with your colorectal nurse I am sure they can reassure you

    PaddyBud x