Dates for treatment received - currently struggling with pain

  • 25 replies
  • 40 subscribers

Hi All,

I received a letter today to say my treatment so going to start on the 4th July, so at least I know now. The times for my treatment are often really early which concerns me as it’s over an hours travelling time to get to the hospital and my friends are taking me and I think this will make it difficult, is there any scope in the times being changed does anyone know?

I had a good day yesterday, virtually pain-free, but today I’ve been in lots of pain, it feels as though the cancer swells up and is trying for force itself out of my bottom! I’m taking oramorph, paracetamol and ibuprofen but still in pain, if anyone has any advice on how I can ease it I would very much appreciate it. I also, every few days,  bleed a bit from my bottom.

Virtual hugs, Adele. Xxx

  • Hi Irene,

    Thank you for your advice I will contact the hospital about both of these matters. I do hope everything is going well for you. 

    Look after yourself, Adele. Xxx

  • Hi Suz, 

    Thank you for your great advice, it’s lovely to receive advice from people who have been through this, I really do appreciate it. Hopefully I can get on top of this pain.

    Take care, Adele xxx

  • I'm behind you too waiting for pet scan an first visit with onc doc....I have a numbing gel from my gp which helps, my tumour is low and I suffer with terrible pain especially after using toilet.......this helps ease it significantly xx good luck with your treatment HeartpulseHeart️

  • Hello PaddleGran,

    So sorry that you are suffering with pain, it’s really horrible isn’t it. I was hoping to build myself up a bit before my treatment starts but I can’t with this terrible pain. Can I ask what is the name of the numbing gel so that I can maybe try it myself.

    Many thanks, Adele. Blush

  • It's called Instillagel it comes in little syringes I find some days I only need one as you can dispense a little at a time as needed, and nurse at hospital told me its fine to recap if you don't need all in one go, I get it on prescription from my GP xHeart️

  • I’ve been using this too .. bit messy but takes the edge of the pain xx

  • Brilliant, I shall give it a go, Thank you. Blush

  • I get pain in my lower back too when I sit as tumour causes pressure there, this gel numbs that a bit too if I rub into my skin xx Heart️

  • I wish I had this gel before treatment started as suffering terrible back pain since last October , especially after going to the loo .. I have malignant cysts in my rectorectal space as well as the anus but nobody knows which is causing the pain !! ? 

  • I wish we had Instilligel in the States!

    Chrissie, this is such a lot. My heart is aching for you. What is being done about they cysts?

