
  • 18 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hi all

So, this is my last weekend before my treatment begins on monday, mixed emotions and feelings, which are to be expected i suppose, i am trying to keep as busy as i can, have visitors coming soon and ive got a good friend taking me out somewhere nice tomorrow to lock something in my head for the next few weeks

Does anybody have any tips on bathing products, everything seems to irritate at the minute , i am using epsom salts for soaking but need something better for washing if possible? Thanks in advance 

Hope everyone is safe through this storm, it seems to have cleared a little here in north wales, this is the norm for us lol

  • Hi Happyforager I am only to aware of how different cleansing products suit some of us but cause irritation for others. I started using MooGoo products which I know are used in Australia by oncology. I got the MooGoo udder cream wash and moisturiser. This is very moisturising and you can get it online or Holland and Barrett. I tend to search for bargains online when you can get them at discount prices as I continue to use the shower wash. You may have been advised that when you are actually having the treatment you need to remove any cream.  The nurses should advise you on creams as go progress through your treatment. I am sure you will get some more information on what others here found helpful. Also my bit of advice is keep your nurses informed on how you are doing all the way. Good luck on Monday on your journey to get rid of this cancer.

  • Hello Happyforager

    I use QV cream (after treatment) but have never tried their liquid soap which says it is for sensitive skin.  I looked online and it does say not to use on wounds so if you have open sores most probably not advisable, so as I had no external or visible sores, I can't help there, I am sorry.

    Friends and family who rally round are the best, aren't they?  I hope you are set up for the beginning of your treatment, and we are all thinking of you and are here should you need support.

    Irene xx

  • Hi Happyforager

    i just used Sanex 0 % shower gel all they way through and didn’t have any problems, although I was very fortunate not to have any open sores or wounds . 

    All the very best for Monday . Once you get into the swing of it you’ll be amazed at how quickly the weeks pass. 

  •    good morning, thank you for taking the time to reply

    Thank you for the recommendations, ive just had a quick look at the moogoo stuff, that looks perfect, although like you pointed out, can be a little pricey but for me at the minute, i would near bankrupt myself for some comfort lol they do have an oncology care pack that has a little sale in it at the moment, i might just go for that one to start and then just buy whats needed, again, thank you for that, i think thats going to be really helpful 

    I haven't been advised on very much so far, things have got better in my appts recently but my whole pathway hasnt been the smoothest whatsoever but i keep moving forward as best i can 

  •   morning, hope you're well? Thanks for the reply

    Yes my friends and support network have been absolutely amazing, i haven't got any close family around me so in that respect, they have been my family so to speak 

    I have one of my hiking friends taking me out for a couple of hours this afternoon, take my mind of things a little and lock a good memory in for the next few weeks 

  •   morning, hope you're enjoying the weekend and the weather isnt too bad where you are?

    Thank you for taking the time out to reply and the kind words, i suppose i feel like everyone else, just want to get it over with

  • Hi  ,

    Apologies for the late reply, I was away on the weekend & had a bit of a technology detox while away. I’m pleased to hear you had some nice things planned for the weekend & hope you had a lovely time with your friends & visitors. I also hope yesterday went ok for you & you’re feeling ok. On the recommendation from my radiotherapy team I began washing with the QV cream that was given to me at my radiotherapy appointments for moisturising my skin, I continued using it for washing right through treatment & find even now 5 years on I only wash with aquamax cream which is SLS free & similar to the QV, I find anything else even non-perfumed products often burn a little & are really drying. Ask your radiotherapy team if they can advise on something as hopefully they can provide it too.


  •   no problem at all, hope you had a nice time?

    Just on way home from 2nd day now, the nurse has given me cetraben so hopefully that will help some

  • HI 

    I am on my third day of my third week and trust me i was feeling he same few weeks ago. Same as you I had most my friends travelled from even outside of the UK . others than side effect of the chemotherapy which was intense and makes you very tired depressed for first 2 weeks , you will get used to it as you go everyday . 

    Is scary as is unknown but keep hope and stay positive 

    Massive Love 


  • Just wanted to ask if you have a sitz bath for when you become uncomfortable as the weeks pass. You can also soak in some Himalayan salts which are very soothing and also use for toileting. Baths are very soothing but these are very handy for when you just want to have a quick soak.