Mystery lump part 2

  • 21 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hi all, tomorrow will be a week since the removal of the mystery lump. I’m not going to say it’s been easy and I forgot just how sore you can be down there. When I was discharged which was around five hours from the time of the operation I somewhat felt a bit pressured to leave the bed and go home. Pressure on the staff to vacate beds for the afternoon slots was probably the reason and I can understand that others want their surgery done. I was given a discharge letter with minimal information on and so asked if I would be seen before leaving to be told I could wait three hours to see the consultant! I came home and the aftercare information was generic and considering you cannot keep an anus dry it was pointless saying just clean with water and then dry and keep dry until a scab is formed. They did wedge in some jelonet and once that passed that was it. I was in a lot of pain Saturday and rang the number they gave me four times which rang for a while and simply cut off! The co diene they prescribed I cannot take as it gives me really bad stomach pains.  I persevered until Monday morning and rang the team which goes to answer phone and if it’s not urgent they can take up to three days to get back to you. I’m feeling really quite depressed with the situation of our health services and it kind of makes you feel very vulnerable knowing when you need someone they are not always there. I have been applying some Argan oil good for skin which is slowly helping it. I am tempted to stop eating to give my bum a break from this persistent pooing. Oh my days. Sorry for the rant. I know things will improve and fingers crossed there is nothing to worrying about.

  • Hi Julie ( ),

    I’m so sorry you’re so uncomfortable & not getting the support you need from your hospital, as if this isn’t a stressful enough situation! 

    What you’re going through sounds very similar to when I had the local resection to remove my tumour, I went to theatre around 9.40am & was discharged by 1.30pm, my wound was external & was stitched not packed, my stitches lasted 5 days & because the morphine I was prescribed caused such awful constipation they burst & I ended up in A&E at 9pm on a Saturday night which as you can imagine was an experience in itself! I was told they wouldn’t stitch again so I had a gaping wound until it began healing which to be honest once it started happened pretty quickly. 

    I hope the discomfort eases for you soon & you get some relief, I also hope your results come in soon & it’s good news. Feel free to come here for a rant anytime, you know we all understand. 

    Sending healing thoughts your way along with lots of positivity. 


  • Oh Julie, that's just dire. I'm angry on your behalf! Can you call your primary care doctor and get either help or at least have them jangle the lackadaisical bunch at your surgery center?

    Sending you strength.


  • Thank you for your reply Nicola. I had surgery just before treatment where they cut away an abnormal area but found cancer cells in the margin therefore I had to go through treatment. I also had stitches although I was sure the surgeon said he hadn’t used them? They burst at 8.30pm on a Sunday and I was rushed in hospital losing blood. They whipped off my clothing as they were covered and asked if I wanted the blood soaked underwear back or bin them. I think they injected to stop the blood flow and I didn’t see a doctor until 3am! That’s when they decided I should be admitted until the bleeding stopped. I know it’s probably because they are rushed off their feet more than neglecting patients but it is neglect nevertheless. I am going to ring my GP this morning who are usually pretty good at seeing me on the day but I know when I had problems with the first surgery one of the doctors said it was no point him seeing me as I was under the hospital. Will let you know what happens today and hopefully it’s positive 

  • Hi Suz, thankyou for your reply. I intend on ringing my gp today to see if I get seen. Fingers crossed the surgical wound is fine and just sore from the healing

  • Oh Julie, your experience is making me clench my backside thinking of what you have been through.  You must have felt really vulnerable and I am horrified that the number you were given wasn't manned.  I don't like to rub another's face in it but my experience with our local hospital has been so different and I just continually ruminate why some are outstanding and others are so poor.  I really hope the pain is easing off somewhat although as you say the constant 'traffic' must be a source of pain.

    I am thinking of you and hoping that all this removes the initial pain and discomfort you had and that the results are clear.

    Keep taking the Laxido!

    Sending hugs

    Irene xx

  • Thankyou for your reply Irene. I would like to say up to now my experience with Addenbrookes has been great apart from my very first appointment with the nasty tattooist which I was advised by my team to put in a complaint to PALS. My appointment with the Addenbrookes treatment centre was at 7am and how naive of me to think I would be seen early when the rest of the patients started piling in for day surgery! Do we blame the system or is that the only way they can put us on the conveyor belt and quickly rush us through. The staff were all pleasant but busy. I was on a ward of six with absolutely no privacy when they come to talk about what is going to happen. My first day surgery in my local hospital was completely different and you all had individual rooms to undress and get comfortable and privacy when the doctor came to see you. At Addenbrookes when I had to put my gown on I said I would go into the toilets to get ready as the curtain shut a good ten inches short and the patient opposite’s husband sat there gawping

  • Continued as pressed button to early. I phoned my GP today and have an appointment this afternoon and luckily it’s the doctor who first diagnosed a problem when I went to see her about some bleeding. She is really nice. Will let you all know how it goes

  • Nicola, I had stitches burst in my buttock, I had had a mole removed prior to chemo and it literally popped wide open about four weeks after it had been done.  The hospital told me the same thing, that the wound had to heal from the inside out and they wouldn't restitch it.  It took absolutely ages, not helped by being on a chemo regime, but my GP prescribed silver dressings - absolutely magical!  x

  • I would have gone to the loos as well!  With hospitals, I don't know the answer; our local, mainly day hospital is walking distance for me to have a blood test.  It can take almost two hours of queueing.  The other hospital, where I had chemo, is six miles away, I can book an appointment online (there are always lots available) and I am seen on the dot.  No prizes for guessing where I go!

  • Hi all, I saw my GP this afternoon and good news is at least I haven’t got an infection and looks okay and healing She said due to where it is it takes that bit longer to heal. So now it’s just a waFingers crosseding game to find out if I am in the clear. Fingers crossed