Good news

  • 4 replies
  • 41 subscribers

Hi all

I just wanted to share that I had my first post treatment appointment with the consultant today and he confirmed after examination that the tumour has gone.  Next appointment in 3 mths and an MRI to find out whether its gone from local lymph nodes. But this is really positive and it finally feels worth it!!  He said the treatment is horrendous but so very effective.  He advised of ups and downs with bowels but that I seem to be doing ok.  I still experience great fatigue but it will eventually pass.  Hallelujah. 

Carole x

  • Hi Carole ( ),

    This is amazing news!!! Congratulations!!!

    You’re right the fatigue will pass, you’ll notice the days where you seem to crash get further and further apart & before long you’ll be full of beans again.

    I’m absolutely over the moon for you & thank you so much for posting this as posts like this offer hope & encouragement to those just starting out. 


  • Hi Carole

    Wonderful news Smiley so happy for you.  Yes it is such a relief to be told the tumour has gone I had the same outcome at my first post treatment appt. You got there and now can enjoy the summer - thanks for sharing your good news.

    Carole x

  • Carole, I am SO happy to read this, you must be overjoyed!  And yes, to be able to look back and think it was all worth it is such a huge mental step.  Thank you for letting us know, and I do hope that things improve for you day-by-day.

    Irene xx

  • Oh Carole this is huge! Such a big payoff for all your suffering! I'm over the moon for you.

